Category: Events

  • Colloquium: Production and use of information during emergencies: Experience from 2015 Nepal Earthquake

    We cordially invite everybody interested to our next open GIScience colloquium talk The speaker is Dr. Nama Budhathoki Executive Director of Kathmandu Living Labs When: Monday 26.03.2018, 14:00 st Where: INF 348, room 015 (Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University) Abstract: Production and use of information during emergencies: Experience from 2015 Nepal Earthquake Information is one of the…

  • Talk on Near Real Time OSM Data Extraction Service for Openrouteservice

    Are you at the conference in Bonn this week? Don’t miss the lightning talk by Stefan Eberlein on OpenStreetMap Extracts as a Service in near “Real-Time”. Date: 22.03., 9:4 am. Room: Alfred-Philippson-Hörsaal Lightning Talk: OpenStreetMap-Extrakte als Service in nahezu “Real-Time” Track: Freie Daten The Real-time OSM data extraction service provides individual OSM extracts in…

  • Third Workshop on “3D Field Methods in Geosciences”

    The third workshop on 3D methods in geological applications was jointly organized by the University of Göttingen, the Geological Service of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW, German federal state), and the 3D Geo Research Group at Heidelberg University. The workshop is an event of the initiative “3D Field Methods in Geosciences”, which provides a platform to connect…

  • Contribution selected for final round of GISRUK data challenge

    The results of an analysis of migration data and of the Brexit referendum votes are among only four selected finalists of this year’s data challenge associated with the GISRUK conference. The research was conducted by a team advised by Professor João Porto de Albququerque (University of Warwick) including our colleague René Westerholt. The idea of…

  • Reminder Deadline 30.03.2018 CFP: VGI-ALIVE Workshop at AGILE, Sweden

    VGI-ALIVE – AnaLysis, Integration, Vision, Engagement Tuesday 12th June 2018, Lund, Sweden, Workshop at AGILE 2018 Introduction to the VGI-ALIVE Workshop The steady rise of data volume shared on already established and new Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) and social media platforms calls for advanced analysis methods of user contribution patterns, leads to continued challenges in data fusion, and provides…

  • GIScience contribution to Big Data Research Winter School with Indian IITs in Heidelberg

    Currently Heidelberg University is establishing a PhD Research Training Group (RTG) on “Big Data Research“ together with several Indian Universities and Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) in the context of the HGS MathComp at the IWR (Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing). Partners from India include Allhabad University, Delhi University (MoU pending), Jawaharlal Nehru University, IIT…

  • Masterclass and Workshop at the University of Warwick

    Our colleague René Westerholt was recently invited to deliver a Masterclass on ‘Spatial Analysis’ at the University of Warwick (UK) on Tuesday, 6th of March. The one-day-event was hosted by the Q-Step Centre, an initiative to strengthen quantiative skills of students enrolled at the Social Science Faculty. The workshop was attended by students from various…

  • LandSense Innovation Challenge

    The LandSense Team is thrilled to announce the first LandSense Innovation Challenge, which targets individuals, web-entrepreneurs, start-ups and SMEs coming from all participating H2020 countries, to present innovative IT solutions in addressing one of the three LandSense domains: Urban Landscape Dynamics, Agricultural Land Use, and Forest & Habitat Monitoring (learn more here). The focus of this…

  • Exploring Geography with the Geographers of Tomorrow- Kinderuni Heidelberg at GIScience

    For the fourth time, GIScience/HeiGIT supported the Kinderuni of Heidelberg University. Last Saturday, 03.03.2018, interested children between 9-12 were invited to join members of the group and learn about the various kinds of work of geographers, and current projects at GIScience. After providing an overview of geography and different kinds of geodata, the young participants…

  • Colloquium: New observations of urban climates – remote sensing and crowd sourcing, Dr. B. Bechtel

    We cordially invite everybody interested to our next open GIScience colloquium talk The speaker is Dr. Benjamin Bechtel from the Institute of Geography / Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability, Universität Hamburg When: Thursday 08.03.2018, 14ct Where: INF 348, room015 (Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University) Abstract: New observations of urban climates –…

  • Reminder Deadline 30.03.2018: 2nd CFP – VGI-ALIVE Workshop at AGILE, Lund.

    VGI-ALIVE – AnaLysis, Integration, Vision, Engagement Tuesday 12th June 2018, Lund, Sweden, Workshop at AGILE 2018 Introduction to the VGI-ALIVE Workshop The steady rise of data volume shared on already established and new Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) and social media platforms calls for advanced analysis methods of user contribution patterns, leads to continued challenges in data fusion, and…

  • Colloquium presentation on Causal-statistical models to detect and predict spatio-temporal developments and tendencies

    While the semester already has ended, we still cordially invite everybody interested to our next open GIScience colloquium talk. Just for a change, this time it is on – Tuesday Feb. 27th on 13:15p, – in the Lecture hall, Room 015, INF 348, Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University. Julian Bruns from FZI Karlsruhe / KIT will give…