Category: Events

  • Mapathon “Mapping for International Solidarity” on 06.04

    Hello dear friends of the disastermappers heidelberg! At the moment, the Heidelberg International Weeks against Racism 2021 are running – and the disastermappers are also taking part! Why? The unequal distribution of resources is often a consequence of historical (and neo-) colonialism and related racism. This increases the vulnerability of societies in many parts of…

  • Talk: Deep Learning for Point Cloud Processing

    Lukas Winiwarter of the 3DGeo group was invited by the Austrian Society of Surveying and Geoinformation (OVG) to give a talk on the application of deep learning on point clouds, which took place on March 24. In his talk, Lukas presented four different state-of-the-art approaches to consider the irregular, unordered structure of point clouds, which…

  • Successful PhD Defense by Amin Mobasheri on OSM quality enrichment for wheelchair routing

    Last Friday Amin Mobasheri of the GIScience Research Group Heidelberg University successfully defended his PhD in Geoinformatics. Due to the Corona pandemy the defense was conducted in hybrid mode with the committee members participating virtually and only Prof. Zipf and Amin being physically in the room. What a shame there was no joint celebration possible…

  • ISCRAM GIS Track: Deadline extended for WiP and Practitioner papers: February 21, 2021

    ATTENTION!! One week deadline extension. Are you working on GIS for disaster management? Hurry up! You have until Feb, 21 to submit your WIP or Practitioner paper to GIS Track. Extended Submission deadline for WiP and Practitioner papers: February 21, 2021 – updated Track: Geospatial Technologies and Geographic Information Science for Crisis Management (GIS)…

  • HeiGIT Services User Feedback Survey – only one more week!

    HeiGIT wants to serve you even better. Therefore we are conducting user feedback surveys regarding our various services. If you have ever used one of our OpenStreetMap based Online Services (or will do so now) for whatever purpose, we’d be very happy if you took the time and filled out the respective survey. THANK YOU!…

  • German radio report on OpenStreetMap in WDR5 Quarks – Wissenschaft und mehr

    The German radio station WDR 5 broadcasted a short report about OpenStreetMap with a focus on basics and navigation in the science programme “Quarks – Wissenschaft und mehr” last month on 19.01.2021. One of the German pioneers of OpenStreetMap – Frederik Ramm – explains some background on how the OpenStreetMap community works. Also Alexander Zipf…

  • Vortrag zu Humanitärem Mapping in OpenStreetMap bei Begabtenförderung des Heidelberger Life‐Science Lab

    Das Heidelberger Life‐Science Lab ist eine Einrichtung des Deutschen Krebsforschungszentrums (DKFZ, Heidelberg) und hat die Förderung mathematisch und naturwissenschaftlich-technisch besonders interessierter und begabter Mittel- und Oberstufenschüler und Studenten zur Aufgabe. Der Schwerpunkt ist auf die Life-Sciences gerichtet, die den Standort Heidelberg in besonderem Maße prägen. Aber es werden auch weitergehende MINT Themen beleuchtet: Letzten Freitag…

  • Keynote at McGILL GIS DAY: Analysing and Improving OpenStreetMap for Humanitarian Aid with Data Mining and GeoAI

    Prof. Alexander Zipf has been invited to give the keynote at GIS DAY 2021 at McGILL University (Montréal, Canada) on Tuesday 19. Jan. 2021. The theme of the whole GIS Day at McGill is Humanitarian Mapping and the talk will talk about: “Analysing and Improving OpenStreetMap for Humanitarian Aid with Data Mining and GeoAI” Agenda:…

  • Globales Gletschermonitoring – Chance und Herausforderung — HGG Vortrag am 19.Januar 2021 Dr. Isabelle Gärtner-Roer, World Glacier Monitoring Service, Universität Zürich

    Globales Gletschermonitoring – Chance & Herausforderungen Der Vortrag zu diesem Thema von Dr. Isabelle Gärtner-Roer vom World Glacier Monitoring Service der Universität Zürich zu diesem Thema findet am Dienstag, den 19. Januar um 19 Uhr online statt. Im Rahmen der internationalen Gletscherbeobachtung werden Gletscher in den verschiedensten Regionen systematisch und kontinuierlich beobachtet. Weltweit werden Massenbilanzen…

  • Season’s Greetings from Heidelberg

    The GIScience Research Group with the 3D Geospatial Data Processing Group and the team at HeiGIT (Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology) do send you the best wishes for a peaceful holiday season and a successful New Year. Thank you for your cooperation, efforts and interest in our work. We hope with you that we will…

  • Join the annual disastermappers heidelberg Christmas Workshop on 15.12.2020, 6 pm

    Many things will be different this year when celebrating Christmas, but disastermappers heidelberg think that the few people that you are going to meet should still get a nice OSM-based presents. This is why we want to invite you to join our annual “Christmas Workshop” and learn how to create nice posters, post cards and…

  • HeiGIT becomes a partner of the Anticipation Hub

    On 8th November 2020, the Anticipation Hub has been officially launched and we are happy to announce that the Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT gGmbH) acts as as a partner of the platform right from the start. The Anticipation Hub is a knowledge exchange platform on anticipatory action in terms of humanitarian aid and…