Author: GIScience HD
ohsome street network analysis part 2
Welcome to part 2 of the #ohsome street network analysis. If you haven’t read the first part yet, you can do so following this link. As promised, this week we are performing a simple tag completeness analysis, where we are looking at the ratio between streets that have the maxspeed tag added and those which…
HELIOS++ 1.0.0 Software & Preprint Release
The 3DGeo Research Group is proud to announce the release of their novel ray-tracing based laser scanning simulator HELIOS++! HELIOS++ is a general-purpose simulation software for virtual laser scanning data acquisition. Such data can be used to complement real data in many use cases. Some examples include the generation of training data for machine learning,…
Find the route to your nearest Covid-19 vaccination center in Germany — new App by HeiGIT based on OpenStreetMap and openrouteservice
Where is is the closed Covid-19 vaccination center and what is the best way to get there? A new route planning app helps you answer this questions by suggesting ways to the nearest vaccination center. You can use this route planner now at You only have to enter a starting location or allow the automatic…
ohsome street network analysis part 1
Here we go again: The first #ohsome blog post of 2021. This time, one of our new student assistants Sarah was dealing with street networks and their quality in order to find out which of the selected regions has the most detailed info in OpenStreetMap as well as the best data consistency over the past…
Keynote at McGILL GIS DAY: Analysing and Improving OpenStreetMap for Humanitarian Aid with Data Mining and GeoAI
Prof. Alexander Zipf has been invited to give the keynote at GIS DAY 2021 at McGILL University (Montréal, Canada) on Tuesday 19. Jan. 2021. The theme of the whole GIS Day at McGill is Humanitarian Mapping and the talk will talk about: “Analysing and Improving OpenStreetMap for Humanitarian Aid with Data Mining and GeoAI” Agenda:…
Globales Gletschermonitoring – Chance und Herausforderung — HGG Vortrag am 19.Januar 2021 Dr. Isabelle Gärtner-Roer, World Glacier Monitoring Service, Universität Zürich
Globales Gletschermonitoring – Chance & Herausforderungen Der Vortrag zu diesem Thema von Dr. Isabelle Gärtner-Roer vom World Glacier Monitoring Service der Universität Zürich zu diesem Thema findet am Dienstag, den 19. Januar um 19 Uhr online statt. Im Rahmen der internationalen Gletscherbeobachtung werden Gletscher in den verschiedensten Regionen systematisch und kontinuierlich beobachtet. Weltweit werden Massenbilanzen…
LandSense Horizon 2020 A Citizen Observatory and Innovation Marketplace for Land Use and Land Cover Monitoring, project successful finished
The Horizon 2020 LandSense project was concluded successful. Please find a selection of the produced publications and deliverables here. The project has enabled our group to pursue quality aspects of voluntarily collected geo information data and to ramp up efforts related to OSMlanduse. Together with the University of Nottingham (Giles Foody) and Institut national de l’information…
Season’s Greetings from Heidelberg
The GIScience Research Group with the 3D Geospatial Data Processing Group and the team at HeiGIT (Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology) do send you the best wishes for a peaceful holiday season and a successful New Year. Thank you for your cooperation, efforts and interest in our work. We hope with you that we will…
Join the annual disastermappers heidelberg Christmas Workshop on 15.12.2020, 6 pm
Many things will be different this year when celebrating Christmas, but disastermappers heidelberg think that the few people that you are going to meet should still get a nice OSM-based presents. This is why we want to invite you to join our annual “Christmas Workshop” and learn how to create nice posters, post cards and…
HeiGIT becomes a partner of the Anticipation Hub
On 8th November 2020, the Anticipation Hub has been officially launched and we are happy to announce that the Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT gGmbH) acts as as a partner of the platform right from the start. The Anticipation Hub is a knowledge exchange platform on anticipatory action in terms of humanitarian aid and…
Deadline extended to 21.12.2020 : VIRTUAL 18th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM 2021)
Deadline extended to 21.12.2020 18th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM 2021) May 23-26, 2021, VIRTUAL, Interactive ONLINE EVENT Track: Geospatial Technologies and Geographic Information Science for Crisis Management (GIS) New Deadline for paper submissions: December 21, 2020 Track Description With crisis and hazardous events being an “inherently…
Klimawandel und Biodiversitätsverlust – das unglückliche Zusammenspiel von Zeit und Raum, HGG Vortrag von M. Koch am 08.12.2020
Klimawandel und Biodiversitätsverlust – das unglückliche Zusammenspiel von Zeit und Raum lautet der Titel des nächsten Vortrags in der Vortragsreihe „Klimawandel – Herausforderungen für die Menschheit“ der Heidelberger Gesellschaft für Geographie e.V. (HGG). Prof. Dr. Marcus Koch (Universität Heidelberg) trägt hierzu am Dienstag 08.12.2020 um 19 Uhr vor: Der Prozess des Verlustes der biologischen Vielfalt…