Author: GIScience HD
Kartenwelten des Anthropozän: Neue Ansichten einer Welt im Wandel – HGG-Vortrag am Dienstag 06.07. Prof. Dr. Benjamin Hennig
Wir laden Sie herzlich zum nächsten HGG Vortrag ein: Dienstag, 06. Juli 2021, 19:15 Uhr (online) Prof. Dr. Benjamin Hennig (Háskóli Íslands. Island Universität) Kartenwelten des Anthropozän: Neue Ansichten einer Welt im Wandel Wie sieht die Welt im Zeitalter des Menschen aus? Kartogramme, oder anamorphe Kartendarstellungen, erfreuen sich zunehmender Beliebtheit in der Humangeographie. Diese alternative…
Online data viewer: Heidelberg’s tallest trees
Two weeks ago, we conducted a field campaign in the frame of a 3DGeo Sensor Practical course to acquire 3D point clouds of Heidelberg’s tallest trees, Sequoias planted in the Arboretum I (see our blog post). Today, we present the prepared data in our new online point cloud viewer based on potree: A few…
M3C2-EP: Pushing the limits of 3D topographic point cloud change detection by error propagation
In our efforts to improve change detection and quantification in time series of 3D point clouds, we have published yet another milestone. Our paper, titled M3C2-EP: Pushing the limits of 3D topographic point cloud change detection by error propagation, presents a novel method to better separate noise from actual change in point clouds sensed with…
ohsome region of the month: Which country has the longest coastline?
The ohsome region of the month blog post series is back and since it’s summer this time we’re taking you to the coast. Before that happens, if this is your first blog post of this format you might want to take a look at former blog posts of this series for example one on railway networks or…
Openrouteservice for complex route optimization in new QGIS extension by Regionalverband Ruhr
(Deutsche Version unten) The Regionalverband Ruhr (Team 9-2 Geodata Technology) has used the potential of HeiGIT’s openrouteservice (ORS) in a new QGIS extension and thereby created another possible application for the ORS: The tool “Location and Route Optimization of Addresses” allows to search and locate addresses and to find the optimal routes between them. This…
GIScience and HeiGIT contributions to AGILE 2021 conference
The AGILE 2021 conference is taking place this week. It is the the 24rd AGILE conference on GIScience. AGILE is the Association of Geographic Information Laboratories in Europe and the 2021 conference is for the first time held as a virtual conference. As in earlier years GIScience Heidelberg and HeiGIT are contributing to the conference with several…
Automatic building detection with ohsome2label and Tensorflow
Accurate and complete geographic data of human settlement is crucial for humanitarian aid and disaster response. OpenStreetMap (OSM) can serve as a valuable source, especially for global south countries where buildings are largely unmapped. In a previous blog, we introduced our recent work in detecting OpenStreetMap missing buildings, so this time we will show you…
Third International Mapathon on Mon 17.05.2021 by disastermappers heidelberg, MAMAPA, CartONG, HuMap and OSM Ghana
Dear mappers, on Monday 17.5.2021, 18.00pm a third international mapathon together with disastermappers heidelberg, MAMAPA, CartONG, HuMap and OSM Ghana will take place, which will give you some insights in mapping for humanitarian purposes from the perspective of different organizations and people around the world! For beginners we will offer a mapping introduction as usual,…
Detecting OpenStreetMap missing buildings by transferring pre-trained deep neural networks
Recently, a new research paper “Detecting OpenStreetMap missing buildings by transferring pre-trained deep neural networks” (Pisl, J., Li, H., Herfort, B., Lautenbach, S., Zipf, A. 2021) has been accepted at the the 24th AGILE conference 2021. The conference will take place virually on June 8 to 11, 2021. Accurate and complete geographic data of human…
HGG-Vortrag: Afrikanische Zukünfte nach COVID-19, 18.Mai, Prof. Müller-Mahn (Bonn)
Am kommenden Dienstag 18.05.21 um 19:15 geht Prof. Dr. Detlef Müller-Mahn von der Universität Bonn in seinem Vortrag bei der Heidelberger Geographischen Gesellschaft HGG auf “Afrikanische Zukünfte nach COVID-19” ein: Noch steckt die ganze Welt mitten in der Pandemie, aber schon jetzt stellt sich die Frage, wie es danach weitergeht. In Afrika wirkt COVID-19 als Krisenverstärker…
Ohsome Region of the Month Building-Information Analysis
Welcome back to our blog post series ”ohsome Region of the Month” where you can find information on potential applications of the ohsome API. If you’re new to this format you can also read some of the former blog posts from this series which you can find here (about street networks), here (about railway networks) or here (about forests). This month,…
New scholarship for PhD students from West and Central Africa doing a PhD in Geoinformatics at Heidelberg University
It is our great pleasure to inform about the new “Robert and Christine Danziger Scholarships“ for doing a PhD in Geoinformatics at Heidelberg University. Please make yourself familiar with the research topics at GIScience Heidelberg and HeiGIT (e.g. projects, papers) when suggesting potential projects for your PhD research to potential supervisors. Short facts: The Robert…