Author: GIScience HD
New visiting Professor Vivian de Oliveira Fernandes from Brasil at GIScience HD
We are happy to welcome Prof. Dr. Vivian de Oliveira Fernandes from Brasil to join the GIScience Research Group at Heidelberg University for the next months during her sabbatical as a visiting professor. Vivian is Associate Professor at the Department of Transport and Geodesy Engineering and Permanent Member of the Postgraduate Program in Civil Engineering…
2nd Call for Papers: special issue of Transactions in GIS on “Geographical and Cultural Aspects of Geo-Information – Issues and Solutions” (+ workshop proceedings are online)
Last June, colleagues from the GIScience group – Dr. Tessio Novack, Dr. Michael Schultz and Prof. Dr. Alexander Zipf – together with Dr. Peter Mooney (Maynooth University, Ireland) and Dr. Yair Grinberger (The Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel) have organized a workshop on “The Geographical and Cultural Aspects of Geo-Information: Issues and Solutions (GeoCultGIS)” as…
Becoming ohsome is simple: Adding support of simple feature types to the ohsome API
It’s been a while, since we have published the last blog post about the awesome ohsome platform, but don’t worry, there’s always something happening of course in the spatial analytics team of HeiGIT. So here we are, back on track with enlarging your imagination on what is possible when using our OpenStreetMap history analytics tool.…
Reminder: Deadline next week Fri 06.12.2019: GIS Track ISCRAM 2020 at Virginia Tech
: CALL FOR PAPERS for the GIS track at 17th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM 2020) May 24-27, 2020, Virginia, USA Track: Geospatial Technologies and Geographic Information Science for Crisis Management (GIS) Deadline for paper submissions: December 6, 2019 Track Description With disasters and disaster management being…
GeoNet.MRN at Smart City Expo World Congress Barcelona 2019
Last week was the Smart City Expo World Congress 2019 took place in Barcelona. Our region geoinformation network GeoNet.MRN was there with a booth presenting the members of GeoNet.MRN, among others the GIScience Research Group / HeiGIT at Heidelberg University. We offer a range of technologies and services for building sustainable smart cities, esp. in the…
Marcel Reinmuth: Talk about internship at Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team Uganda
GIScience HD/HeiGIT sind seit geraumer Zeit Partner des Humanitarian Open StreetMap Team (HOT) und arbeiten an gemeinsamen Projekten zur Verbesserung von Geoinformationstechnologien und der Verfügbarkeit von Geodaten (insb. OpenStreetMap) für humanitäre Einsätze, insbesondere im globalen Süden, z.B. über die Missing Maps Initiative. Im Rahmen der Veranstaltung Geographie in verschiedenen Berufsfeldern des Geographischen Instituts berichtet Marcel Reinmuth aus…
Hurry up: only 3 weeks to go for Submitting to GIS track at ISCRAM at VirginiaTec
CALL FOR PAPERS for the GIS track at: 17th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM 2020) May 24-27, 2020, Virginia, USA Track: Geospatial Technologies and Geographic Information Science for Crisis Management (GIS) Deadline for paper submissions: December 6, 2019 Track Description With disasters and disaster management being an…
CfP: “OpenStreetMap as a Multi-Disciplinary Nexus: Perspectives, Practices, and Procedures” Special Issue of the ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
Following the success of the Academic Track of State of the Map 2019, the track’s scientific committee – Dr. Yair Grinberger, until recently a member of the GIScience research group, Dr. Marco Minghini, Dr. Levente Juhász, Dr. Peter Mooney, and Dr. Godwin Yeboah – is organizing a special issue of the ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. The…
Standortübergreifender Mapathon im Rahmen der Geography Awareness Week
im Rahmen der Geography Awareness Week laden die Geographie-Fachschaften der Standorte Göttingen, Hannover, Würzburg und Heidelberg und die disastermappers heidelberg herzlich zum standortübergreifenden Mapathon ein! An diesem Mapathon werden wir gemeinschaftlich mit Hilfe von OpenStreetMap und fernerkundlichen Methoden neue Kartendaten für vernachlässigte Krisenregionen erstellen und somit humanitäre Hilfsorganisationen in ihrer Arbeit unterstützen. Welches Gebiet genau…
New DFG project: IdealVGI – Deep Learning with OSM
Recently a new DFG project proposal was accepted to the GIScience Research Group Heidelberg within the DFG priority programme VisVGI (Volunteered Geographic Information: Interpretation, Visualisation and Social Computing” [SPP 1894]). It is joint collaboration project together with Prof. Begüm Demir from TU Berlin. IDEAL-VGI: Information Discovery from Big Earth Observation Data Archives by Learning from…
MS Wissenschaft beendet Tour zur Künstlichen Intelligenz – aber weiter geht es im Web – auch mit unserem Exponat zu Trainingsdaten für Satellitenbilder
Gerade beendete die MS Wissenschaft ihre Tour durch 31 Städte zwischen Berlin und Wien in diesem Wissenschaftsjahr zum Thema “Künstliche Intelligenz“. 85.000 Menschen – Schulklassen, Familien und Interessierte aller Altersklassen – besuchten die Ausstellung zum Thema lernende Computersysteme an Bord des Wissenschaftsschiffs. Zu den Besonderheiten der Ausstellung zählten die zahlreiche Dialog- und Mitmachangebote an Bord.…