Author: GIScience HD
GIScience Contributions to the 2019 State of the Map Academic Track proceedings
Recently the SOTM 2019 Heidelberg Academic Track Proceedings have been published. GIScience Research Group Heidelberg and HeiGIT contributed several talks and posters. Below you can find an overview. Contact us if you are interested in further details on ongoing research. Klonner, Hartmann, Djami, Zipf, A. (2019). “Ohsome” OpenStreetMap Data Evaluation: Fitness of Field Papers for…
‘Place’ in the GIScience Community – an indicative and preliminary Systematic Literature Review
The concept of place has recently gained importance in geographical information science (GIScience). One reason for this is the emergence of user-generated geographic information, which partially represents subjective everyday geographical encounters. No consensus, however, on how to deal with place in GIScience has yet been reached. A recently published paper presents a systematic literature review…
Mapping Rohingya Refugee Camps in Bangladesh – An Analysis Using the OSHDB API
Humanitarian mapping activations show increasing numbers of contribution. This blog post illustrates the specific potential of the Open Source OSHDB API [1] for detailed analyses of such activations by means of a case study. The examined area is Cox’s Bazar in Southeast Bangladesh, where almost 1 million Rohingya refugees fled to from Myanmar in 2015.…
Today: Talk on the use of geoinformatics at the German Red Cross
We are happy to invited to the presentations in the GIScience HD colloquium today. Everybody interested is invited to join the presentations and the discussion afterwards. The use of geoinformatics at the German Red Cross Katharina Lorenz, DRK e.V. ‑ Generalsekretariat, Berlin – Date: Mon, January 27, 2.15 pm – Place: Lecture Hall (room 015),…
Urban flooding in Handschuhsheim – Using User-Generated Geographic Data in Flood Risk Management
A week ago, students from the seminar “User-Generated Geographic Data in Disaster Risk Management and Humanitarian Aid” carried out a survey about urban flood risk in Handschuhsheim. The “field day” was organised by Carolin Klonner and Melanie Eckle (the teachers of the seminar) in cooperation with Kai Schaupp and Dr. Raino Winkler of the environmental…
Disaster monitoring with Openrouteservice, example from UN Pulse Lab Jarkarta
Recently the UN Pulse Lab Jakarta has developed a disaster monitoring WebApp called the MIND/DisasterMon platform. According to UN Pulse Lab the objective of the MIND/DisasterMon platform is to try to answer questions related to Disaster Monitoring and emergency response by looking into various sources of data and information from open data platform and social media. The…
Impact of aquisition patterns on tree model estimation from UAV LiDAR
In close collaboration with the 3DGeo Research Group, Moritz Bruggisser of the Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation (RG Photogrammetry) presented his current research progress on the impact of acquisition patterns on the robustness and accuracy of tree models derived from UAV LiDAR for forest dynamic studies. His work fits well into the scope of the…
NASA uses Openrouteservice for study on disaster response times
According to a recent post by NASA, researchers at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, calculated the time that could have been saved if ambulance drivers and other emergency responders had near-real-time information about flooded roads, using the 2011 Southeast Asian floods as a case study. This was the first NASA study to…
Recap: Keynote on Smart Cities
Already in October 2019 Prof. Zipf was invited to give a keynote on “User Generated Geoinformation for Smart Cities” at the “Smart Cities, Smart Data, Smart Governance” ISPRS Conference at CEPT University in Ahmedabad (known for the Gandhi-Ashram), where he also participated as speaker in the inaugural session and acted as session chair for a…
Final call and extended deadline: CfP for a special issue of Transactions in GIS
The deadline for the Call for Papers for a special issue of Transactions of GIS on “The Geographical and Cultural Aspects of Geo-Information” had been extended to the 31 January 2020. The special issue, organized by the GIScience colleagues Dr. Tessio Novack, Dr. Michael Schultz, Prof. Dr. Alexander Zipf and former colleague Dr. Yair Grinberger,…
Seasons Greetings from GIScience Heidelberg & HeiGIT, have a great New Year 2020
Dear friends and colleagues, we wish you a relaxing and peaceful holiday season and all the very best for a happy and prosperous New Year. The most important event of this turbulent year was for us the founding of HeiGIT gGmbH as nonprofit company. Now we are looking forward to future joint activities in 2020…