Author: GIScience HD
Virtual Semester Start Mapathon “Humanitarian help and climate change” by disastermappers Heidelberg
Dear disastermapping enthusiasts, The disastermappers heidelberg series of events “Open Data & the Sustainable Development Goals” begins right on time for the start of the upcoming summer semester. With these events the disastermappers raise awareness for the importance of freely available geographical data and their relevance for current social, ecological and economic challenges. In cooperation with many…
Quota for openrouteservice multi vehicle optimization increased to support logistics during Corona crisis
Supplying medicine and food is critical not only in disasters. Due to increased global demand due to COVIDー19 HeiGIT increased the API quota for the openrouteservice multi vehicle route optimization endpoint! Now you can send up to 500 requests per day for each account for free. If you are in need for even higher problem sizes…
Cartographic Vandalism in the Era of Location-Based Games—The Case of OpenStreetMap and Pokémon
User-generated map data is increasingly used by the technology industry for background mapping, navigation and beyond. An example is the integration of OpenStreetMap (OSM) data in widely-used smartphone and web applications, such as Pokémon GO (PGO), a popular augmented reality smartphone game. As a result of OSM’s increased popularity, the worldwide audience that uses OSM…
Map of COVID-19 Research shows Clinical Trials related to Corona-virus
Many informative maps are available to follow the spread of COVID-19. This is important information but only part of the story. The global scientific and medical communities have immediately responded to the outbreak with focused research activities. This has led to clinical trials and scientific publications worldwide. The Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT) at…
25 Jahre Klaus Tschira Stiftung: KTS fördert zum Jubiläum zahlreiche 25er Aktionen – HeiGIT mit 25 Mapathons dabei
25 Jahre Klaus Tschira Stiftung: KTS fördert zum Jubiläum zahlreiche 25er Aktionen – HeiGIT mit 25 Mapathons dabei In diesem Jahr wird die Klaus Tschira Stiftung (KTS) 25 Jahre alt. Zu ihrem Jubiläum hat sich die Stiftung eine ganze Reihe von Aktionen überlegt, die der Gesellschaft zugutekommen sollen. Die Vorhaben drehen sich überwiegend um die…
Deadline extension: IJGI Special Issue on “OpenStreetMap as a Multi-Disciplinary Nexus: Perspectives, Practices, and Procedures”
As noted in a previous blogpost, the scientific committee of the Academic Track of State of the Map 2019 – Dr. Yair Grinberger, until recently a member of the GIScience research group, Dr. Marco Minghini, Dr. Levente Juhász, Dr. Peter Mooney, and Dr. Godwin Yeboah – is organizing a special issue of the ISPRS International Journal of…
ISPRS IJGI highlights our work on deep learning of Street Art from VGI and Street View Images
We are pleased to share that because of the response to our work, ISPRS IJGI selected our paper on Detecting Graffiti with Street View Images and Deep Learning to be highlighted as a title story through some graphics on the journals main page. Novack T, Vorbeck L, Lorei H, Zipf A. (2020): Towards Detecting Building Facades…
MapSwipe wins Global Mobile Award for the Best Mobile Innovation Supporting Emergency or Humanitarian Situations
This week, at the prestigious GSMA MWC series (formally known as Mobile World Congress) MapSwipe was awarded the top prize in the Global Mobile Awards’ category for the Best Mobile Innovation Supporting Emergency or Humanitarian Situations. The award recognizes how mobile connectivity can provide a lifeline in major humanitarian disasters, providing access to critical information and…
Volunteered Geographic Information research in the first decade: a narrative review of selected journal articles in GIScience
More than 10 years have passed since the coining of the term volunteered geographic information (VGI) in 2007. A recently published article presents the results of a review of the literature concerning VGI. A total of 346 articles published in 24 international refereed journals in GIScience between 2007 and 2017 have been reviewed. The review has…
3DGeo licensed drone pilots
During the last weeks, members of the 3DGeo group were found studying for the “Kenntnisnachweisprüfung”, the official examination for drone pilots in Germany. Today, we are proud to announce that all six applicants from our group have passed both the theoretical test as well as a practical exam where they had to show their capability…
Colloquium Talk about Building a baseline of health facility data in OpenStreetMap by M. Herringer
We are happy to invited to the presentation in the GIScience HD colloquium. Everybody interested is invited to join the presentations and the discussion afterwards. Building a baseline of health facility data in OpenStreetMap Markus Herringer,, Amsterdam, NL – Monday, February 10, 2020. 2.15 pm -Lecture Hall (room 015), Im Neuenheimer Feld 348, Institute…