This week, the GIScience research group received a visit by Prof. Mohammad Reza Malek and his Students from K.N.Toosi University of Technology, Teheran, Iran, supported by DAAD. In three intense days of talks and discussions, Prof. Malek and his students presented their work at Ubiquitous & Mobile GIS Research Lab led by Prof. Malek in the fields of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI), Location-based Services and Location-based Social Networks. Talks by our guests included topics like mathematical frameworks for line graph analysis, point-free topology approaches, combining crowdsourcing of geodata and sensor networks for alerting systems, and applications of VGI in diverse fields, like acquiring 3D data of cities, incident information in electricity networks, visual pollution, and incidents concerning water resources and utilities. Other talks presented work on research in VGI quality and credibility, context-aware spatial services, augmented reality for tourism, seamless outdoor and indoor navigation, and many many more. Colleagues from GIScience research group at Heidelberg University used the opportunity to present their current research and gain new insights from discussions with our guests. Not least, the visit presented a great opportunity for all participants to widen our cultural perspective and to share experience.
Visit by Prof. Mohammad Reza Malek and Students from K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Teheran