Graduate Celebration 2017

We are very proud of our graduates 2016/2017 of Bachelor and Master of Science in Geography, and also School Education (Lehramt). On 1 December 2017, we celebrated together in the venue of the Neue Aula of the Heidelberg University. Prof. Hans Gebhardt gave an impressive talk about the essence of long student field trips (Große Exkursionen) as important part of the Geography education. He also critically reflected the current political and humanitarian situations in the countries he visited the last 20 years with students from Heidelberg.

Furthermore, the first Dietrich Barsch Prize for the best Bachelor thesis in Physical Geography was awarded to Vivien Zahs. She wrote about 3D LiDAR observation, geophysical measurements and geomorphology of a rock glacier in the Austrian Alps. Vivien was jointly supervised by Bernhard Höfle and Stefan Hecht.

Congrats to all graduates – we wish you all the best for your future.

Photos above were kindly provided by (c) Thomas Sterr.


