we cordially invite everybody interested to our next open GIScience colloquium talk
State of the Art of Event Detection from Geo-tagged Twitter Data
Diao Lin
Chair of Cartography, Technical University of Munich
Time and date: Mon, November 27, 2:15 pm
Venue: INF 348, Room 015, Department of Geography, Heidelberg University
The speaker tries to give a structured and comprehensive overview of event detection from geo-tagged twitter data and present some open questions. Precisely, it starts with an introduction of the basic conceptions to answer questions like: what is event and event detection in social media, then an overall workflow of event detection will be given. Based on existed techniques applied in recent papers, three different approaches of event detection focus on: clustering driven approaches, anomaly detection driven approaches, and topic modelling driven approaches will be analysed in terms of their algorithms and advantages and disadvantages. The talk ends with some open questions regarding the research challenges (e.g. scale problem), and trends (e.g. multi-source event detection) in the field of event detection from the perspective of GIScience.