Social innovations are increasingly being seen as a way of compensating for insufficiencies of both, state and market to create inclusive and accessible environments. In a recent paper, together with researchers from Zentrum für Soziale Innovation (Vienna) and Polibienestar Research Institute (Valencia), we have explored crowdsourcing accessibility information as a form of social innovation, requiring adequate engagement strategies that fit the skills of the intended group of volunteers and ensure the needed levels of data accuracy and reliability. The tools that have been used for crowdsourcing included printed maps, mobile apps for collective tagging, crowdsourcing platforms on the web and blogs for reflection and visualizations of changing mapping statuses.
Voigt, C., Dobner, S., Ferri, M., Hahmann, S., & Gareis, K. (2016): Community Engagement Strategies for Crowdsourcing Accessibility Information. In: K. Miesenberger, C. Bühler, & P. Penaz (Eds.), Computers Helping People with Special Needs: 15th International Conference, ICCHP 2016, Linz, Austria, July 13-15, 2016, Proceedings, Part II. p. 257-264. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-41267-2_35