From 14.6.-16.6. our research group was represented by Stefan Hahmann at geoinfo.potsdam.2016 (aka 64. Deutscher Kartographentag, aka Geoinformatik 2016). The conference has seen ~150 participants from the sectors universities, administration, industry and research institutes. The programme had a strong focus on recent developments in various geo applications with sessions on visualisation methods, geoinformatics and ongoing projects. Beside that also legal aspects in map production, empirical methods in cartographic science and trends in education of geomatics in Germany have been discussed. The conference was accomplished by an exhibition of companies that are active in the geo domain.
Stefan gave two talks about current work in progress stemming from OpenRouteService development and the CAP4Access project, entitled “Ableitung von Gehwegdaten mit Hilfe georeferenzierter Bilder und Interpretation der Crowd” (english: Deriving sidewalk data using crowdsourced images and interpretation) and “Algorithmen für die Routenplanung durch Flächen in globalen Datensätzen” (english: algorithms for route planning through areas in global datasets).
A highlight of the conference was the inspiring keynote presentation of Jürgen Döllner from Hasso-Plattner-Institut Potsdam on the topic of mobility analytics that presented relevant and also some unexpected usecases for todays routing and accessibility algorithms. The conference was finalised with a visit of the GeoForschungszentrum on Potsdams Telegrafenberg.