“Do you speak Math”? 61 presentations this semester

The topic of the “Akademische Mittagspause” (a kind of open brown bag series for the public) at Heidelberg University is this semester is “Do you speak Math?“. In total more then 60 different 15min presentations (+ 15 in discussion) are given in the “Peterskirche”, Plöck 70, 69117 Heidelberg on a daily basis Monday to Friday, 13.00 to 13.30pm starting Monday April 25 until July 21st to everyone interested.
As member of Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing IWR also GIScience Heidelberg is participating actively with a presentation by Prof. Zipf about spatio-temporal Analysis of Twitter feeds.
The full programm can be found here (in German).

The Akademische Mittagspause 2016 is supported by the Klaus Tschira Foundation.



