The German Federal Ecological Foundation organized together with the consortium „BürGEr schaffen WISSen (GEWISS)“ a citizen science workshop, which took place at the 26th and 27th of January. Participants from academia, industry and administration discussed recent trends and applications. Furthermore, group discussions regarding limitations and urgent problems of citizen science were also on the agenda. Our group was represented by Clemens Jacobs and René Westerholt. Clemens presented a poster about an approach for assuring the quality of species observations. René was involved in a joint talk with a colleague (Dr. Peter Borgmann) from the botanical garden of the University of Osnabrück. The content of the talk appeared to be two-fold: On the one hand it dealt with a web-based and a mobile platform for the collection, mapping and administration of seeds. This platform is currently under development in Heidelberg and Osnabrück. On the other hand practical experiences on several issues regarding the involvement of public participants (“citizen scientists”) was discussed.
Citizen Science Workshop in Osnabrück