Tag: VGI
GIScience Heidelberg @ Santiago de Chile
The Heidelberg Center for Latin America (HCLA) in Santiago de Chile offers a Master of Science in Governance of Risk and Resources. This cooperative venture between the Geography institutes of Heidelberg University, the Universidad Catolica de Chile and the Universidad de Chile focuses on the (political and economic) controllability of problem-driven interaction between humans and…
Measuring the Reliability of Wheelchair User Route Planning based on Volunteered Geographic Information (OpenStreetMap)
The development of a wheelchair user friendly route planning application inherits a number of special requirements and details that need to be considered during the generation of the routing graph and the corresponding algorithm, making this task much more complex than car or pedestrian related applications. Each wheelchair type and, more importantly, each individual user…
Exploiting Big VGI to Improve Routing and Navigation Services
Due to development of communication technologies, the amount of data, which each organization has to deal with, has been rapidly growing. The huge volumes of data appear as an opportunity to improve the performance and reliability of various applications, as such routing and navigation services can be named. However, the analysis of large datasets, commonly…
Integrating and Generalising Volunteered Geographic Information
Our book chapter contribution in “Abstracting Geographic Information in a Data Rich World” has appeared. Abstract: The availability of spatial data on the web has greatly increased through the availability of user-generated community data and geosensor networks. The integration of such multi-source data is providing promising opportunities, as integrated information is richer than can be…
Open Position Scientist / PostDoc: “People as Sensors”
We offer a new position in a new DFG project. More Info here.
Visiting Professor Joao Porto is working on Disaster Mapping 2.0
Prof. Dr. Joao Porto, a computer scientist from University of Sao Paulo, Brazil has received a grant by Heidelberg University funded through the DFG Initiative of Excellence that allows him to stay as visiting professor at the GIScience Research Group of Heidelberg University through 2014 and then returning to Heidelberg several times until 2017. His…
The emergence and evolution of OpenStreetMap: A cellular automata approach
Collaborative mapping projects, such as OpenStreetMap (OSM), have received tremendous amounts of contributed data from voluntary participants over time. So far, most research efforts deal with data quality issues, but the OSM evolution across space and over time has not been noted. Therefore, a new study is dedicated to the evolution of the contributed information…
Mapping land-use from OpenStreetMap
An approach toward generating land-use patterns from volunteered geographic information (VGI) without applying remote-sensing techniques and/or engaging official data has just been published in the latest issue of the International Journal of Geographic Information Science. Collaboratively collected OpenStreetMap (OSM) data sets are employed to map land-use patterns. Initially the spatial pattern of the landscape was…
Open Data Opportunities for LBS
The advent of web technologies and the promotion of data sharing practices have fostered open data initiatives. The main motivation of governments in sharing data with the public is to stimulate economic growth by enabling the creation of new products. One of the areas that could benefit from open data initiatives is that of location-based…
Call for Paper: Special Issue “GeoWeb 2.0” of the ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
The advancement of Internet technology is constantly changing the way geographic information is being collected, managed, processed, analyzed, and used. While a first wave of innovation has transformed Geographic Information Systems into Geographic Information Services, a second paradigm shift has recently been observed. This paradigm deals with crowdsourcing and the collaborative generation of geographic information.…
Aktuelles Programm Fachtagung: Web 2.0 und Social Media in Katastrophenschutz und Hochwassermanagement
Das Programm für die Fachtagung “Web 2.0 und Social Media in Katastrophenschutz und Hochwassermanagement” am 17.10.2013 wurde aktualisiert und ist nun online verfügbar. Erfreulicherweise konnten zahlreiche hochkarätige Referenten gewonnen werden, so dass ein spannender Austausch zwischen Forschung und Praxis zu erwarten ist. Wir freuen uns sehr auf Ihre Teilnahme an dieser Veranstaltung im Studio Villa…