Tag: scientific software
Major HELIOS++ Release: v2.0.0
We are happy to release a new major version of HELIOS++: https://github.com/3dgeo-heidelberg/helios/releases What’s new in this release? Installation The new way to install HELIOS++ is via the conda or mamba package managers. We recommend mamba or micromamba. After creating a dedicated Python environment for your HELIOS++ project and activating it, run: mamba install helios or…
DFG Software Grant
Successful proposal: Fostering a community-driven and sustainable HELIOS++ scientific software The 3DGeo Group and the Scientific Software Center (SSC) of Heidelberg University have been successful with their proposal in the DFG call “Research Software – Quality assured and re-usable”, together with two other project proposals at Heidelberg University (see press release). The main objective of…
Human-in-the-loop development of spatially adaptive ground point filtering pipelines — An archaeological case study
LiDAR data have become indispensable for research in archaeology and a variety of other topographic applications. To derive products (e.g. digital terrain or feature models, individual trees, buildings), the 3D LiDAR points representing the desired objects of interest within the acquired and georeferenced point cloud need to be identified. This process is known as classification,…