Tag: OSM
Program of Academic Track for State of the Map 2019 Heidelberg is online
Also the program of the “Academic Track” for ‘State of the Map‘ (SotM) as been released now. Early bird ticket prices are still available until 7th of July. See the website for all the details: 2019.stateofthemap.org Two contributions are by members of the GIScience Research Group Heidelberg: Analyzing the spatio-temporal patterns and impacts of large-scale data…
Open Positions GIS at German Red Cross – Cooperation with HeiGIT
Das Rote Kreuz Generalsekretariat Berlin schreibt aktuell zwei interessante Vollzeitstellen aus (Standort Berlin). Eine davon – als Fachreferent Geoinformatik – ist direkt auf die konkrete Zusammenarbeit mit dem Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT gGmbH) an der Universität Heidelberg ausgerichtet. Wir arbeiten gemeinsam an Strategien und Lösungen zum besseren Einsatz von Geoinformationstechnologien für humanitäre Aktivitäten…
Do you need a shady route because it is too hot?
IT IS HOT! So you are looking for a more shady pedestrian route through the urban jungle? You might then prefer some routes that go through public green spaces with trees and bushes. Thank goodness we are working already on such green and also shady routing together with some partners in the mFund project meinGrün.…
Program for State of the Map (SotM 2019) Heidelberg has been released
The program for ‘State of the Map‘ (SotM) as been released, and early bird ticket prices are still available until 7th of July. See the website for all the details 2019.stateofthemap.org #OpenStreetMap talks, workshops & discussions as mappers across the world come to #Heidelberg, #Germany from 21st to 23rd of September. Also do not forget…
Support the global OSM Climate Protection Map at WorldEnvironmentDay
Today, June 5 is the #WorldEnvironmentDay. World Environment Day is the United Nations day for encouraging worldwide awareness and action to protect our #environment. Above all, World Environment Day is the “people’s day” for doing something to take care of the Earth. That “something” can be local, national or global. This is a good opportunity to…
Successfull PhD Defence by Clemens Jacobs on Plausibility Estimation of Citizen Science Observations for Biodiversity
Last week Dr. Clemens Jacobs successfully defended his PhD about methods for assessing the data quality of citizen science observations of organisms. Congratulations, well done!!! We wish all the very best for the future! The research aimed at using geographic context as an information source for estimating the plausibility of an observation, e.g., of a bird,…
OpenRouteService with waypoint optimization
As promised earlier this year, we are very happy to finally announce the unveiling of our new route optimization endpoint! We deployed an instance of the popular Vroom open-source engine, which is capable of solving complex Vehicle Routing Problems (VRP) in record time. This type of problem always occurs when multiple locations need to be visited…
Sonniges „meinGrün“ Konsortiumstreffen in Heidelberg
Letzte Woche fand das zweite große Konsortiumstreffen im Projekt „meinGrün“ in Heidelberg statt. Zusammen mit unseren Projektpartnern vom IÖR , DLR , ISB AG , dem Institut für Kartographie der TU Dresden , Terra Concordia (mundraub.org) und Urbanista haben wir zwei Tage lang an der Weiterentwicklung unserer App gearbeitet, welche es Bürgerinnen in Heidelberg und…
How to become ohsome part 5: Measuring numbers of users editing different OSM features
Besides dealing with a snake, making quality assessments, or generating comparable statistics, one needs to know how to handle the whole functionality provided by the ohsome API to really become ohsome. And to achieve exactly that, this blog presents the last missing entry point to the API from the current toolkit, namely the /users resource. With its help you can receive aggregated…
meinGrün Umfrage: Wofür nutzen Sie städtische Grünflächen?
Alle Jahre wieder blühen die Kirschbäume vor unserem Institutsgebäude in voller Pracht und laden Passanten allen Alters ein zum Verweilen. Städtische Grünflächen wie diese leisten einen wichtigen Beitrag zur urbanen Lebensqualität, indem sie viele Funktionen wie Naturerfahrung, sozialen Austausch und Erholung ermöglichen. Jedoch eignet sich nicht jeden Grünfläche gleichermaßen für jeden Einzelnen und jede Aktivität.…
OpenStreetMap History Database – version 0.5
The OpenStreetMap History Database (OSHDB) is what powers most of the functionality of HeiGIT’s ohsome platform. The ohsome API for example, which was often showcased here in the blog, is built on top of the OSHDB. Just recently, an open access software article about the OSHDB was published. Check it out to find out more…