Tag: OSM
OSMlanduse wird auf Geonet.MRN Meetup zu Flächennutzung und Flächenmanagement vorgestellt: Donnerstag 29.10.2020, 16:30
Am am 29.10.20, 16:30 Uhr veranstaltet das Netzwerk Geoinformation der Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar GeoNet.MRN zum Thema: Flächennutzung und Flächenmanagement: Ein Geoinformation Meetup Teilnahme: Kostenlos und ohne Anmeldung mit Teams unter diesem Link. Themen des Meetups sind die Online-Beteiligung von Kommunen, Bürgern sowie Firmen und Institutionen im Bereich Flächenmanagement mit Fokus auf die Siedlungs- und Verkehrsentwicklung und die…
“Open Data und die Sustainable Development Goals” geht in die zweite Runde
Liebe disastermappers-Freund*innen und Vorkämpfer*innen für freie Geoinformationen! Es ist wieder so weit: Unsere Veranstaltungsreihe “Open Data und die Sustainable Development Goals” geht in die zweite Runde! Nachdem wir uns im Sommersemester schon dem Thema Nachhaltige Entwicklung und deren Verknüpfung mit der Relevanz von frei verfügbaren Geodaten gewidmet haben, legen wir in den kommenden Veranstaltungen den…
GIScience/HeiGIT at GeOnG Conference 2020
Next week the biennial conference GeOnG will take place for the seventh time. On Monday and Tuesday 11/02-11/03 participants will join in over 30 live sessions around the topics of technology and information management in the humanitarian and development sector. This year’s theme is People at the heart of Information Management: promoting responsible and inclusive…
Mapping physical access to health care for older adults in sub-Saharan Africa and implications for the COVID-19 response: a cross-sectional analysis
New paper published on healthcare access in Sub-Saharan Africa It is almost a year since SARS-CoV-2 first emerged in China. The virus spread all over the world. Countries south of the Sahara did not receive much attention. Although outbreaks here have a strong risk potential due to existing crises. In our new published paper we…
Participate in the virtual Copernikus Hackathon 16-17-18 October! HeiGIT contributes with OSM based services
On October 16-18 there is the Copernicus Hackathon “Barcelona” – Integrating Copernicus services and state-of-the-art tools within Weather-induced emergency management HeiGIT is involved in the Copernicus Hackathon by providing free and open web-based services and APIs which leverage OpenStreetMap data as valuable tools for disaster management. The HeiGIT services include: OpenRouteService API, sources, and clients,…
HeiGIT presentation at MSF GIS Week 2020
This Thursday, team members from HeiGIT will give a presentation at MSF’s Annual GIS Week. This is an internal event at MSF ( Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) International, Doctors without Borders), which brings together all employees working on GIS and geographic information management related topics. Our “OSM Data Dive” session will provide an introduction to OpenStreetMap…
OSMlanduse European Union validation effort
We launched a validation campaign of our new 10meter resolution OSMlanduse product for the member states of the European Union. Please contribute to the validation here. A technique where contributions are checked against each other is implemented to promote quality of information. The mapathon comes in four themes: nature, urban, agriculture or expert. While the expert…
How to become ohsome part 8 – complex analysis with the magical filter parameter
It’s CITY CYCLING time – some of you may even be involved in your municipality – a good opportunity to have a look on the OpenStreetMap (OSM) cycling ways in our city Heidelberg. Welcome to part 8 of our how to become ohsome blog post series. This time we will show you how to set…
Contiguous high resolution OSMlanduse map of the European Union by combining Copernicus data and OpenStreetMap
Find here a new update of the OSMlanduse.org map. By injecting known tags provided by OpenStreetMap (OSM) into a remote sensing feature space using deep learning, tags were predicted when absent thus creating a contiguous map – initially for the member states of the EU. By design our method can be applied when- and wherever…
Improved Isochrone Calculation released in openrouteservice v6.3.0
With the release of openrouteservice v6.3.0 at HeiGIT, we are presenting a new and improved speed-up technique that makes it possible to calculate much larger isochrones than with the existing algorithm. An isochrone is an area on the map that can be reached from a starting point within a time or distance limit specified by…
OSM completeness mapping for airborne situation assessment following an earthquake
As part of the LOKI project (Luftgestützte Observation Kritischer Infrastrukturen), a first test run of a newly launched OpenStreetMap (OSM) completeness mapping project in MapSwipe has been conducted yesterday. The aim of the LOKI project is to develop an interdisciplinary system that enables fast and reliable airborne situation assessments following an earthquake. The system will…