Tag: ohsome example
Explore the ohsome OSM History of whole Germany
Our new ohsome dashboard is another preview on what is and will be possible with our ohsome OpenStreetMap history analytics platform. Behind the scenes, we added support for the Apache Ignite big data framework and deployed an instance using the full OSM history data of whole Germany on Heidelberg University’s cloud computing infrastructure heiCLOUD. Apache Ignite is an open-source…
How big is OSM? Estimating the size of OpenStreetMap’s history
In this blog post we report a small study on the size of the OpenStreetMap history data set, which we carried out in the context of developing the OSHDB. We estimated the size of OSM’s history in terms of raw data as it would be represented in a systems programming language such as C or…
Analyse HOT Tasking Manager Projects with the ohsome API
Have a look at our new Jupyter notebook which provides a step-by-step introduction how to use the ohsome API. We show you how to analyse the OSM mapping efforts related to a HOT Tasking Manager project in Nepal. The analyzed project 1008 “Nepal Earthquake, 2015, IDP Camps in Kathmandu” was created by Kathmandu Living Labs…
Documentation of the Ohsome API
In a previous blog post we introduced the REST-based interface of our framework Ohsome (the OpenStreetmap History Analytics plattform) and gave an example link of a request. This blog post aims to give you some further information about the documentation of the ohsome API. We use the Springfox Java library to create a Swagger documentation. The result…
Ohsome for Street Network Analysis and Disaster Activation Monitoring
Disaster mapping activations that are supported by many volunteers with various levels of experience raise questions related to the quality of the provided Volunteered Geographic Information. Learning about the data quality that can be expected in a disaster activation helps to evaluate the quality and fitness for purpose of the OSM data. At the ISCRAM…
Ohsome Nepal Dashboard supports admin boundary selection
The Ohsome Nepal Dashboard has new features to enhance its usability and functionality. The user can now easily select administrative areas of interest through a new map interface. Different administrative levels can be selected by zooming in and out and afterwards just clicking or tapping on that specific region. This convenience feature makes it much faster…
Ohsome – a high level architectural overview of the OSM History Analytics platform
Recently we introduced the ohsome platform for OSM History Analytics. Now we want to give you a high-level overview of the ohsome platform and the components it consists of. Ohsome API The ohsome platform is based on a three-layers API architecture, where the flexibility, as well as the usage-complexity are increasing going from the top to…
The Ohsome API: dynamic OSM statistics for real-world applications
The Ohsome API, developed at HeiGIT, is part of the ohsome OSM history analytics platform (and yes, it is pronounced like the word “awesome” 😉. It serves as the connection between the OpenStreetMap History Database (OSHDB) and possible frontends, such as the Ohsome Nepal Dashboard prototype. The communication with the Ohsome API works via HTTP GET and POST requests as…
A brief intro to the OpenStreetMap History Database (OSHDB) API
The OpenStreetMap History Database (OSHDB) is the main data backend developed at HeiGIT for the ohsome OSM history analytics platform, that will make OSM’s history data more accessible for further analysis. OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a rich resource of freely available geographic information. However, the possibilities for analyzing OSM data on a global scale are limited because of…
Preview of the ohsome Nepal dashboard
The ohsome OpenStreetMap history analytics platform, which is currently developed at HeiGIT, will make OSM’s full-history data more easily accessible. We are pleased to announce that we are coming closer to reaching our objectives, hereby sharing a preview of the first ohsome web dashboard. Our dashboards will allow you to explore OSM full-history data using…
Introducing the ohsome OSM History Analytics Platform
The big spatial data analytics team at HeiGIT is currently developing the ohsome OpenStreetMap history analytics platform. Our aim is to make OSM’s full-history data more easily accessible for various kinds of data analytics tasks on a global scale. OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a freely available map of the world to which everyone may contribute geographic…