Tag: heigit
GeoNet.MRN at Smart City Expo World Congress Barcelona 2019
Last week was the Smart City Expo World Congress 2019 took place in Barcelona. Our region geoinformation network GeoNet.MRN was there with a booth presenting the members of GeoNet.MRN, among others the GIScience Research Group / HeiGIT at Heidelberg University. We offer a range of technologies and services for building sustainable smart cities, esp. in the…
Viele Daten- Welcher Nutzen? HeiGIT Workshop mit BBK und DLR bei der Fachtagung Katastrophenvorsorge 2019
Am 28. und 29. Oktober findet in Berlin die jährliche Fachtagung Katastrophenvorsorge statt. In diesem Rahmen treffen sich erneut Expertinnen und Experten aus dem (inter) nationalen Katastrophenmanagement um sich zu neuesten Entwicklungen, Ideen und auch Herausforderungen in der Katastrophenvorsorge auszutauschen- zur Umsetzung des Sendai Rahmenwerks in Deutschland. Wie im vorherigen Jahr, wird auch HeiGIT die…
Brownbag Presentation by Jennings Anderson (University of Colorado Boulder) on OpenStreetMap data analysis
We cordially invite you to a Brownbag presentation by our Guest Researcher Dr. Jennings Anderson! When? Tuesday, 8/10/2019, 1-2.30 pm Where? Seminar room 15, INF 348 Jennings is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Colorado Boulder exploring new approaches to analytical infrastructures for big, peer-produced geospatial datasets, specifically OpenStreetMap. His dissertation work involved designing…
Recap of HeiGIT @ FOSS4G 2019
First of all, thanks to everybody who attended our ohsome lab on OpenStreetMap History Analysis at last weeks FOSS4G in Bucharest. Even though there were eleven (!) tracks running in parallel, and our lab was not in the same location as the program track, we had some interested participants. Their affiliation ranged from public institutions…
HeiGIT beim Tag der offenen Tür im Auswärtigem Amt, 17.-18. August
Wer steckt eigentlich hinter Missing Maps? Und wie können auch Sie in dem humanitären Mappingprojekt aktiv werden? Besuchen Sie uns heute beim Tag der offenen Tür im Auswärtigem Amt an unserem gemeinsamen Stand mit dem Deutschen Roten Kreuz. Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier. Wir freuen uns auf Sie.
Green spaces in cities promote well-being and mental health — ‘Nature’ Neuroscience study published with participation of GIScience researchers at Heidelberg University
INTERDISCIPLINARY NATURE STUDY SHOWS THAT INNER TOWN GREEN DIRECTLY INFLUENCES ON CITY RESIDENTS Inner city green areas such as lawns, flowerbeds, trees or parks can directly improve the well-being of city dwellers. These are the findings of a recent study conducted by scientists from GIScience Research Group at Heidelberg University and the Heidelberg Institute for…
HeiGIT beim Tag der offenen Tür beim Auswärtigen Amt
Am 16. und 17. August öffnet das Auswärtige Amt in Berlin die Tore für die Öffentlichkeit. An diesen Tagen kann nicht nur das Auswärtige Amt selbst besichtigt werden, verschiedene Diplomaten, Vertreter verschiedener Ministerien, Einrichtungen und Organisationen werden vor Ort sein, um aktuelle Projekte und Ideen vorzustellen. In diesem Rahmen wird es auch einen „Humanitären Raum“…
Exponat aus Heidelberg bietet Training für KI-Algorithmen auf der MS Wissenschaft
Mitmach-Exponate geben auf der MS Wissenschaft in Heidelberg vom 28. August bis 1. September Einblicke in die Entwicklung und Anwendung Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI). Mit auf dem zu einer schwimmenden Ausstellung umgebauten ehemalige Kohlefrachter ist auch ein Exponat des Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT) an der Universität Heidelberg, gefördert von der Klaus Tschira Stiftung. Das…
The potential of Open Geospatial Data to address the Sustainable Development Goals- Geospatial World Magazine Article on how HOT and HeiGIT are supporting current approaches
Geospatial data is key for empowering citizens around the globe and to achieve the SDGs— if geodata is made openly available and easy to be put to use. The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) is in this regard coordinating and supporting humanitarian action and community resilience through open mapping. The GIScience Research Group has supported HOT’s…
ISCRAM 2019 in Valencia- Towards closer exchange in crisis management between practitioners, stakeholders and researchers
The 16th ISCRAM conference took place in the city of Valencia (Spain). It succeeded again to gather an international audience of researchers that shared their work all around crisis management. As ISCRAM is mainly interested in the support and intersection of practical application in crisis management and research, the focus was however again on another…
Teaching at the Heidelberg Center for Latin America in Santiago de Chile
This year, Sabrina Marx and Martin Hilljegerdes were teaching the block course “GIS 2” at the Heidelberg Center for Latin America (HCLA) in Santiago de Chile. The course is part of the international Master program “Governance of Risks and Resources”, offered by Heidelberg University in cooperation with Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and Universidad de…
Exploring OSM history: the example of health related amenities
Introduction Exploring how OpenStreetMap data developed over time across different administrative untis might reveal interesting insights into the self organizing approach of the OSM communities and can potentially be used to derive intrinsic data quality indicators. It might even be possible to estimate the completeness of OSM for a specific key-value combination as done by…