Tag: Forecast-based Financing

  • Proactive Disaster Management: Pioneering Forecast-based Financing Across Global Challenges

    Proactive Disaster Management: Pioneering Forecast-based Financing Across Global Challenges

    Forecast-based Financing (FbF) is an innovative approach to disaster management that focuses on taking early action based on meteorological forecasts and risk assessments to mitigate the impacts of potential disasters. Instead of waiting for a disaster to strike and then responding, FbF enables preemptive measures that can significantly reduce the negative consequences on affected populations.…

  • Somaliland GIS Training

    Somaliland GIS Training

    Since 2022, HeiGIT is providing technical support to the Somali Red Crescent Society (SRCS) in Somalia. The objective was the development of an Early Action Protocol (EAP) for droughts in Somalia, a plan developed by RCRC National Societies that outlines early actions to be taken when a specific hazard is forecasted to impact communities. In…

  • HeiGIT support for Forecast-based Financing feature around open data initiatives for anticipatory action

    Current COVID 19 related activities of the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT), Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Center and HeiGIT are featured in a blog series around Forecast-based Financing. The blog post, “Anticipating and addressing epidemics – the potential of open data initiatives“, provides an overview on how Missing Maps, Forecast-based Financing, HOT, Climate Center and…

  • HeiGIT at International Dialogue Platform on Anticipatory Action

    Next week, November 12-14th, the 7th International Dialogue Platform on Anticipatory Action is taking place in Berlin. The platform is organized by the German Red Cross (GRC), World Food Program, German Humanitarian Assistance, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and the Climate Center of Red Cross and Red Crescent and brings…