Tag: disaster
GIScience HD contributes to Crisis Mapping Workshop for the “Natural Risk in a Changing World“ Spring School at Potsdam University
Last Friday, 18th March, Carolin Klonner and Melanie Eckle of the GIScience Research Group were invited to give a workshop on “Crisis Mapping with OpenStreetMap” in scope of the DFG Graduate School “Natural Risk in a Changing World” Spring School at the University of Potsdam. The PhD candidates were introduced to current research and practices…
Crowdsourcing for Forensic Disaster Analysis – Kick-Off Meeting
This week the Kick-Off Meeting of a recently started collaboarative project on “Crowdsourcing for Forensic Disaster Analysis” (CrowdFDA) took place at GIScience Heidelberg University together with partners from the Geophysical Institute of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) (Dr. Bijan Khazai) as member in the Center for Disaster Management and Risk Reduction Technology (CEDIM, KIT) and…
Save the Date: Workshop “Open Data”, (OSM in disaster management), Heidelberg, 15. April 2016
As a follow-up of the IWR HGS Modellierungstag on “Open Data” from last December IWR HGS MathComp will organize an additional Workshop on “Open Data” in Heidelberg on April 15th. Again GIScience Heidelberg as well as GeoNet.MRN will participate with contributions. GIScience Heidelberg will present potentials and tools for the usage of OpenStreetMap in the…
Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, GIScience Heidelberg participates in Expert Hearing
The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 is the first major agreement of the post-2015 development agenda. This framework was confirmed by the UN General Assembly following the 2015 Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR) and is the successor instrument to the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) 2005-2015. It declares seven…
Geospatial Analysis of Disasters – Workshop on Measuring Welfare impacts of Emergency Relief, Heidelberg
Natural disasters and man-made catastrophes pose a serious threat to the stability and prosperity of countries and the well-being and lives of many individuals worldwide. Methodological advances and better availability of geospatial data are revolutionizing research on economic development after disasters and the allocation and effects of disaster relief and other forms of humanitarian aid.…
New Collaboration on Crowdsouring for Forensic Disaster Analysis with KIT
The aftermath of disasters – such as the recent Nepal earthquake – have shown that the general public can contribute to the response of a disaster event and moreover is able to organize and engage itself across national borders. Digital volunteerism is offering unique capabilities to bridge information gaps, particularly in crisis situations where infrastructure…
Post-disaster damage assessment – combining remote sensing image analysis and crowdsourcing (Dr. Norman Kerle, ITC), GIScience HD Colloquium, Wednesday 22.07.15
We cordially invite anybody to our final GIScience colloquium in this summer term. Dr. Norman Kerle from ITC will talk about Post-disaster damage assessment – combining remote sensing image analysis and crowdsourcing on Wednesday, Jul 22, 2015, 4:00 pm, at Hörsaal, Berliner Straße 48, Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University Following a disaster event a rapid…
Report on Human Sensor and Geographic Information Systems for Disaster Risk Management (HSenSIG) training school
On the dates of 11 to 15th of May, the European Commission (COST Action TD1202: Mapping and the Citizen Sensor) organized a training school on Human Sensor and Geographic Information Systems for Disaster Risk Management (HSenSIG) hosted by the Institute for Systems Engineering and Computers at University of Coimbra, Portugal. Our colleague, Prof. João Porto Albuquerque was invited…
Mapping Support Event for Nepal at ISCRAM conference 2015 in Norway
As members of the disastermappers heidelberg and the GIScience Research Group Benjamin Herfort and Melanie Eckle were presenting their research at this years ISCRAM conference in Kristiansand, Norway. ISCRAM being a conference for researchers and practitioners in the field of disaster and emergency management, they also used this situation to set up a spontaneous Mapping…
Heidelberg University press releases about Nepal Disaster OpenRouteService
Heidelberg University has published press releases about our work on providing specialized disaster routing and maps for the humanitarian aid organizations working in Nepal like the UN Logistics Cluster, USAid or the local KLL etc. The services based on OpenRouteService use the geodata provided by volunteers worldwide through OpenStreetMap. We also want to mention the…
Nepal Disaster Mapping Heidelberg University
Following the earthquake which struck Nepal on April 25 hundreds of volunteers worldwide come together to map out disaster affected areas through the coordination of the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) and the local partner in Kathmandu, the Kathmandu Living Labs team. Disastermappers Heidelberg joined the efforts on monday evening by organizing a first mapping event.…