Tag: Crowdsourcing

  • Contributions to the European Handbook on Crowdsourced Geographic Information

    The GIScience Research Group at Heidelberg University has contributed several chapters to the forthcoming “European Handbook of Crowdsourced Geographic Information”, edited by Capineri, C. et al. (eds.), Ubiquity Press. This includes the following chapters and papers that have been accepted for publication from different authors of the GIScience Research Group Heidelberg: – Research on social…

  • Missing Maps like Microtasking with PyBossa

    Benjamin (active Heidelberg disastermapper and GIScience group member) explains in this blog post how to create your own Missing Map like microtasking application using PyBossa An example is the microtasking app he did set up to identify human settlements and roads in South Kivu for the missing maps project at http://crowdmap.geog.uni-heidelberg.de/app/missing_maps_follow_up/. You can easily contribute…

  • Keynote on VGI & Social Media for LBS at International Conference on Location Based Services 2015

    The 12th International Symposium on Location Based Services 2015 (LBS 2015) will take place this year in Augsburg (Germany), on Sept. 16-18, 2015. Prof. Dr. Alexander Zipf is one of the invited keynote speakers and will give a talk about “Enriching Location Based Services with VGI and Social Media” on Thursday, 17/Sep/2015 (1:45pm – 2:30pm).…

  • Post-disaster damage assessment – combining remote sensing image analysis and crowdsourcing (Dr. Norman Kerle, ITC), GIScience HD Colloquium, Wednesday 22.07.15

    We cordially invite anybody to our final GIScience colloquium in this summer term. Dr. Norman Kerle from ITC will talk about Post-disaster damage assessment – combining remote sensing image analysis and crowdsourcing on Wednesday, Jul 22, 2015, 4:00 pm, at Hörsaal, Berliner Straße 48, Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University Following a disaster event a rapid…

  • Crowdsourcing Accessibility Information – Talk at University of Education Heidelberg

    Yesterday, a talk was given by Stefan Hahmann within the frame of the colloquium series of the geography department at Heidelberg University of Education. The talk was entitled “Crowdsourcing for individual needs – the example of wheelchair routing“. Besides a general introduction to the field of crowdsourcing, VGI and OpenStreetMap, our research and development activities…

  • Geo-reCAPTCHA: Crowdsourcing large amounts of geographic information from earth observation data

    With the Geo-reCAPTCHA we present a new concept for crowdsourcing of vast amounts of geoinformation by micro-mapping tasks. The paper can be downloaded free of charge (until 22 May 2015). In our study we investigated the possibilities and limitations of capturing building footprints via Geo-reCAPTCHA based on remote sensing imagery. We could analyze more than…

  • Special Issue “Earth Observation and Geoinformation Technologies for Sustainable Development”

    Dear Colleagues, Earth observation devices and geoinformation technologies, including remote sensing data, platforms, algorithms, geographic information science (GISc), and spatial analysis techniques have played a major role in monitoring the dynamics of our environment and landscape. Additionally, emerging active and passive sensing approaches, such as crowdsourcing, Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI), citizen science (CS), participatory sensing,…

  • GIScience group participated in Open Data Day Mannheim

    Last Saturday (21/2) the GIScience group Heidelberg was part of the International Open Data Day. Open data enthusiasts all over the world teamed up to create new applications derived from open (not only governmental) data. The local open data day in Mannheim has seen 7 finished projects including Wikipedia edit wars analyses, public transport visualisations,…

  • PsychoGeography Project on Television

    During the last decades, the epidemiological research has given indications that mental diseases can be related to socio-economic, as well as to environmental risk factors. In cooperation between the newly founded Psychiatric-Epidemiological Centrum (PEZ) at the Central Institute of Mental Health in Mannheim, the GIScience Research Group (Heidelberg University) and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology…

  • Visual Crowds for Geo- and Environmental Sciences Conference Heidelberg

    In this workshop, we want to tie two threads of research together: human computation is an important factor in both geoscience and computer vision research. In geosciences, OpenStreetMap is one of the major projects , but this is only one of numerous recent advances. In environmental sciences huge amounts of data are collected, such as…

  • Call for Manuscript Proposal Submissions to “Crowdsourced Mapping”: A Special issue to CaGIS

    CALL FOR MANUSCRIPT PROPOSAL SUBMISSIONS “Crowdsourced Mapping” To be published as a Special Content Issue of the International Journal “Cartography and Geographic Information Science” (CaGIS) Edited by Dr. Jamal Jokar Arsanjani 1 & Prof. Michael Leitner 2 & Prof. Alexander Zipf 1 1 GIScience Research Group, Department of Geography, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany 2 Department…

  • Exploiting Big VGI to Improve Routing and Navigation Services

    Due to development of communication technologies, the amount of data, which each organization has to deal with, has been rapidly growing. The huge volumes of data appear as an opportunity to improve the performance and reliability of various applications, as such routing and navigation services can be named. However, the analysis of large datasets, commonly…