Category: Software

  • How to become ohsome part 6: Introducing the magical filter parameter

    We are back again with a fresh part of the How to become ohsome blog series. In case this 6th part of the series is your first one, or you have not heard from our awesome OpenStreetMap History Data Analytics Platform before (short form: ohsome platform), don’t worry. We’ve added some context, as well as…

  • meinGrün Schnitzeljagd in Heidelberg gestartet

    Wo befindet sich dieser Spielplatz in Heidelberg? Wie komme ich zum nächst gelegenden Park und das möglichst auf einer Route mit viel Grün oder wenig Lärm? Wer das herausfinden möchte, sollte an der meinGrün Schnitzeljagd teilnehmen. Nachdem die Schnitzeljagd in Dresden bereits seit zwei Wochen läuft, können nun auch die HeidelbergerInnen zu Fuß oder auf…

  • Sphinx is ohsome – new documentation of the ohsome API

    What does the tool behind the recently published documentation of the ohsome API have in common with a statue made of stones in Egypt? – Apart from the name, both are of course awesome (and now also ohsome). As previously announced, together with the open source release 1.0 of the ohsome API, we have published a…

  • Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team has been selected by the Audacious Project

    The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) has announced major financial support from the Audacious Project, which will be provided over the next five years. HOT aims to use this funding to grow OpenStreetMap (OSM) communities in 94 countries. By engaging one million volunteers the goal is to map an area home to one billion people living…

  • Announcing release 1.0 of ohsome API

    Big news from the ohsome team: the release 1.0 of one of our major services, the ohsome API for ohsome OpenStreetMap History Analytics, is on the doorstep. We are bringing three major advancements along with this version. The first one is a completely new documentation of the API giving several examples to different endpoints. The…

  • Advanced time-dependent routing soon available in Openrouteservice

    Update: The demo server has been shut down. The plan is to make time-dependent routing available on the main client and API during Q3 2025. For more information, contact We are thrilled to give you a sneak peak into routing with time-dependent road restrictions, the outcome of our collaboration with GraphHopper GmbH in the research project…

  • Quota for openrouteservice multi vehicle optimization increased to support logistics during Corona crisis

    Supplying medicine and food is critical not only in disasters. Due to increased global demand due to COVIDー19 HeiGIT increased the API quota for the openrouteservice multi vehicle route optimization endpoint! Now you can send up to 500 requests per day for each account for free. If you are in need for even higher problem sizes…

  • Openrouteservice Maps – Alternative routes, roundtrips and more …

    While naturally all of our features are already accessible via the openrouteservice API, we have now made some of the newer routing features accessible in our Maps Client on Alternative routes We all know that getting second opinions or suggestions for things can give you a better sense of security and allow for a…

  • MapSwipe wins Global Mobile Award for the Best Mobile Innovation Supporting Emergency or Humanitarian Situations

    This week, at the prestigious GSMA MWC series (formally known as Mobile World Congress) MapSwipe was awarded the top prize in the Global Mobile Awards’ category for the Best Mobile Innovation Supporting Emergency or Humanitarian Situations. The award recognizes how mobile connectivity can provide a lifeline in major humanitarian disasters, providing access to critical information and…

  • HELIOS used in a study on hetero-integration which enables fast switching time-of-flight sensors for light detection and ranging

    The Heidelberg LiDAR Operations Simulator (HELIOS) is an open source laser scanning simulation framework for interactive simulation and visualization of terrestrial, mobile and airborne laser scanning surveys. It can be flexibly used for teaching and training of laser scanning, development of new scanner hardware and scanning methods, or generation of artificial scan data sets to…

  • ohsome presentation in Malta at the 3rd International Workshop on Spatial Data Quality

    Around 55 participants gathered in Malta for the 3rd International Workshop on Spatial Data Quality 2020 from 28th to 29th of January. Among national mapping agencies, software providers and standardization organizations, HeiGIT had the opportunity to present its ohsome – OSM history analytics platform for analyzing spatial data quality by looking at the temporal development…

  • Healthsites and HeiGIT establish partnership

    The Global Healthsites Mapping Project (Healthsites) and the Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology/ GIScience Research Group are happy to announce the now also formal cooperation. Last week, HeiGIT/ GISciences signed the Healthsites Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to strengthen their strategic partnership with the main aim to support the analyses, sharing and use of baseline OpenStreetMap…