Category: Services
New tool for clustering and analyzing spatial data with Neural Networks and Neural Gas
A new tool for clustering and analyzing geographic data with artifical self-organizing neural networks (SOM) and the innovative Neural Gas (NG) algorithms has been made availabe. The free SPAWNN suite supports different spatial context models and it also establishes interactive linkage between the neural network and geographic maps. Notably it enables further the follow-up clustering…
New version of OpenRouteService Web-GUI online
The beta-version of the new WebGUI for OpenRouteService has been updated. It has now all the major functions of the old version, with some improvements in usability. The default version offers only the most important basic functions, while additional functions are available when the extended version is being selected. These choices can be made from…
Draft Programme for conference “Web 2.0 und Social Media in Katastrophenschutz und Hochwassermanagement”
A first draft list of talks and presentations for the conference “Web 2.0 und Social Media in Katastrophenschutz und Hochwassermanagement” (17.10.2013, Heidelberg, Studio Villa Bosch) is available. In addition there will be several short presentations during the workshop-part of the event. This is a draft programme subject to change: some titles are still working titles.…
High Cartographic Quality Label Placement on OSM-based Map
In January 2012 we launched OpenMapSurfer – a web map service with a set of custom layers that are based on geo-data of OpenStreetMap project. The main idea was to present OSM data in a different way by placing emphasis on the cartographic representation of data, namely to enhance the quality of the cartographic lettering…
First MayaArch3D Status Workshop in Heidelberg
This Monday and Tuesday the first yearly Status Workshop within the collaborative BMBF Project MayaArch3D “A Web-based 3D-GIS for the Analysis of the Archaeology of Copan, Honduras” has taken place at Heidelberg University with the team members from the GIScience Research Group Heidelberg, the German Archeological Institute (DAI) and the Foundacio Bruno Kessler (FBK). The…
Challenging the difficulties of automated georeferencing in Historic GIS
Here you find an article about Quality control at Orbis Latinus Online (OLO), which provides coordinates to Latin places in the standard reference Orbis Latinus. The system developed in the RIgeo.Net project combines several databases, like OpenStreetMap, Yahoo Maps, the in-house tool GeoTWAIN and especially the Getty Thesaurus of Geographical Names, which allow multilingual search…
New Version of OSMatrix
In 2011 we released OSMatrix — a web-based application to visualize characteristics of OpenStreetMap, which are usually not displayed in cartographic representations of the data. The characteristics include information on the topicality of data, user contributions and the presence (or absence) of certain feature types. As we have demonstrated before, these characteristics enforce understanding of…