Category: psychogeography

  • Open GIScience PostDoc positions on understanding the relationships between “Urban nature experience, biodiversity and mental health”

    We call for applications to postdoctoral positions within the Heidelberg Mannheim Health and Life Science Alliance “Innovation Campus” for Inter-institutional project. The Central Institute of Mental Health (ZI), Prof. A. Meyer-Lindenberg, the GIScience Research Group at Heidelberg University (Prof. A. Zipf), the 3DGeo Group (Prof. B. Höfle); and the Department of Biodiversity and Plant Systematics…

  • Auch Alltagsaktivitäten steigern das Wohlbefinden

    Eine in Science Advances veröffentlichte Studie liefert neue Erkenntnisse zum Zusammenhang von körperlicher Aktivität und Wohlbefinden im Alltag. Dazu wurde unter anderem untersucht, welche Hirnregionen dabei eine Rolle spielen. Körperliche Aktivität macht glücklich und ist wichtig, um auch psychisch gesund zu bleiben. Forscherinnen und Forscher des Zentralinstituts für Seelische Gesundheit (ZI) in Mannheim, des Karlsruher…

  • Relationships between Incidental Physical Activity, Exercise, and Sports with subsequent Mood in Adolescents

    Physical activity is beneficial for human physical health and well‐being. Accordingly, the association between physical activity and mood in everyday life has been a subject of several Ambulatory Assessment studies. This mechanism has been studied in children, adults and the elderly, but neglected in adolescents. It is critical to examine this mechanism in adolescents because…

  • GIScience for physical activity research

    GIScience methods are becoming more and more widespread in different domains. A current review article under involvement of HeiGIT researchers discusses the potential of ambulatory assessments and GIScience approaches for physical activity research. The article is on of the outcomes of the 2nd International CAPA Workshop 2019 “Physical Activity Assessment – State of the Science,…