Category: Research

  • Deriving sidewalk information using citizen science becomes #ProjectOfTheWeek

    We are happy to report that our task designed for the citizen science platform was selected as their #ProjectOfTheWeek. This will help us to finish our experiment to derive information about sidewalks using Mapillary street level imagery with the support of the crowd very soon. Sidewalk information is an important resource for accessible route…

  • City of Mannheim shows appreciation to Open Data engagement of GIScience group

    On friday 3/13, Melanie Eckle, Steffen John and Stefan Hahmann of the GIScience group Heidelberg were invited to a special event at Mannheim town hall. The city of Mannheim showed appreciation to the engagement of the GIScience group during the Open Data Day in Mannheim. Melanie Eckle (distaster mappers Heidelberg) gave a presentation about the…

  • UNESCO World Heritage Site Lorsch Abbey – Ladenburg Discourses of Daimler and Benz Foundation

    Bernhard represented the GIScience discipline in the Ladenburg Discourse of the Daimler and Benz Foundation on the “Digital Model” of the UNESCO World Heritage Site Lorsch Abbey, which took place 13-14 March 2015 in Ladenburg. The Ladenburg discourse was organized by Susanne Krömker from the IWR of the Heidelberg University. The main aim of the…

  • Annual Meeting 2015 of DGPF: German Society for Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation

    The GIScience group Heidelberg participated actively in the 2015 Annual Meeting of the DGPF (German Society for Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation), which took place 16-18 March 2015 in Cologne. Bernhard hold a keynote lecture on “LiDAR Point Cloud Information and Web Infrastructure for 3D Vegetation Analysis”, which was embedded in a special Workshop on…

  • Derivation of an OSM graph with TMC LCL traffic information to provide real time traffic services

    Increasing traffic, especially in urban areas, leads to more and more infrastructural bottlenecks and congestion inside transportation networks. The aim is therefore to use existing transport networks as efficiently as possible. Current traffic and incident reports from the Traffic Message Channel (TMC) are an important source of information to provide further services in the context…

  • ISDE Video Competition for Young People

    Who wants to be the winner in the ISDE Video Competition for Young People for the 9th International Symposium on Digital Earth in Halifax, Canada? The main theme of the symposium and thus the video should be “Towards a One-World Vision for the Blue Planet”. More details can be found here:

  • Call for Abstracts and Special Sessions – 9th Symposium of the International Society for Digital Earth

    We would like to draw your attention to the second call for abstracts and special sessions for the 9th Symposium of the International Society for Digital Earth, October 5-9, in Halifax, Canada. The overarching theme of the symposium is “Towards a One-World Vision for the Blue Planet”. See here for further events (co-)organized by the…

  • 2nd. Call for Papers: RICH-VGI Workshop @ AGILE 2015, Lisboa

    2nd Call for Papers: Enriching VGI @ AGILE 2015 Workshop We call for papers for the Workshop: RICH-VGI: enRICHment of volunteered geographic information (VGI): Techniques, practices and current state of knowledge Workshop @ the 18th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science Lisboa, Portugal. Tuesday 9 June 2015 In recent years we have witnessed the rapid…

  • Major Update for OpenRouteService Backend

    Last few months, we have been working hard on a new backend for The new implementation is much more flexible and faster than before and supports more sophisticated routing profiles. The services are deployed on a new and more powerful server that makes it possible to update routing graphs based on OpenStreetMap data more…

  • GIScience group participated in Open Data Day Mannheim

    Last Saturday (21/2) the GIScience group Heidelberg was part of the International Open Data Day. Open data enthusiasts all over the world teamed up to create new applications derived from open (not only governmental) data. The local open data day in Mannheim has seen 7 finished projects including Wikipedia edit wars analyses, public transport visualisations,…

  • Coverage of OSM highway features with corresponding GPS tracks

    As can be seen in the WebGL visualisation of the GPS data collected by the OSM contributors in Heidelberg (reported earlier in this blog), the quantity of recorded GPS tracks along an OSM highway features depends on the feature class. It has already been found before that the GPS data is not equally distributed among…

  • A Local Multi-Scale Spatial Autocorrelation Measure for Social Media Datasets

    Some time ago we reported about a new method for assessing spatial autocorrelation among points in social media datasets. A major contribution thereby is the ability of restricting the analysis to specific scales limited by both, an upper and a lower bound. The corresponding paper is now officially available online at IJGIS: Westerholt, R., Resch,…