Category: OSM
Deriving indicators for Points of Interest and analyzing mixed activities in urban areas
We are pleased that our research paper “Deriving indicators for Points of Interest and analyzing mixed activities in urban areas” (Ullah, Lautenbach, Zipf 2021) has been accepted at the 12th International Symposium on the Digital Earth (ISDE) scheduled within the GI Week 2021 in Salzburg. The conference will take place from July 5th to July…
All countries of South and Southeast Asia now on Open Healthcare Access Map
It’s been a little longer than a month since we published the Open Healthcare Access Map. Last week we rolled out all countries of Sub-Saharan Africa. Today all countries of South and Southeast Asia follow. The web application is available here: To get a clearer understanding of healthcare infrastructure data in OpenStreetMap, please consult…
All countries of Sub-Saharan Africa now in Open Healthcare Access Map
Last month we started the Open Healthcare Access Map. Initially, only a few countries were featured. Gradually, more countries and regions are now being added. Today we release all countries of Sub-Saharan Africa. The web application is available here: Please note that this is still a prototype and feedback on improvements and desired functionalities…
Two-part Mapathons for better new user retention?
The project “25 Mapathons“ goes into the next phase. Based on the experience of until today 17 OSM mapathons with German Red Cross (GRC) chapter and an extensive literature review on the success of mapathons, the “25 Mapathons” team has identified several points of possible improvement in the way how mapathons are conducted in general:…
Towards a framework for the analysis of local OSM contributions
Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) such as OpenStreetMap (OSM) is often defined as the collaborative acquisition of geographic information and local knowledge by volunteers, amateurs or professionals (Goodchild, 2007). The increasing availability and importance of local data in OSM is largely acknowledged in VGI projects. Local knowledge provides access to a plethora of contextual information and…
German Mass Vaccination Sites in Open Healthcare Access Map
Last week we introduced Open Healthcare Access Map. Our new web application for interactively sharing results of accessibility estimates based on OpenStreetMap healthcare facilities and openrouteservice isochrones. A new update now shows motorized accessibility estimates of mass vaccination sites in Germany. Accessible via this directlink: These results are based on an analysis by Sven…
Introducing the Open Healthcare Access Map
Open Healthcare Access Map is a new web application by HeiGIT to provide insights into healthcare supply on different spatial scales for many countries worldwide. The web application is available here: Please note that this is a prototype and feedback on improvements and desired functionalities is very welcome. You can reach us at this…
New publication on the Impact of Community Happenings in OpenStreetMap
Online knowledge projects such as OpenStreetMap (OSM) and Wikipedia have gained high importance, trust and even economic value. These projects and their content are maintained and enhanced by online communities that evolve around them. Yet, these communities and their members are often ignored when the respective data or knowledge is used. In a recent publication…
Behind the scenes of the ohsome quality analyst (OQT)
The #ohsome quality analyst (short: OQT) has been online and accessible through its web-interface now for quite some weeks already (see the introductory blog post as a reference). The website is not the only access point to the OQT though. Therefore, the ohsome team at HeiGIT would like to give some insights to the additional…
Humanitarian OSM Stats: How to monitor humanitarian mapping in the HOT Tasking Manager? – Part 5: the American Red Cross
Since 2010 organized humanitarian mapping has evolved as a constant and growing element of the global OpenStreetMap (OSM) community. With more than 8,000 projects in 150 countries humanitarian mapping has become a global community effort. Due to this large amount of projects, it can be difficult to get an overview on mapping activity. This is…
Insights into OpenStreetMap healthcare attributes in India over time
Last November, we covered the recent increase of healthcare related objects in OpenStreetMap (OSM) in India. In less than a year, the amount of facilities has increased from 6.956 to 48.101. This is mainly due to an import run by RMSI – an Indian GIS consulting company. In this blog we will take a closer look at…
Humanitarian OSM Stats: How to monitor humanitarian mapping in the HOT Tasking Manager? – Part 4
Since 2010, organized humanitarian mapping has evolved as a constant and growing element of the global OpenStreetMap (OSM) community. With more than 7,000 projects in 150 countries, humanitarian mapping has become a global community effort. Due to this large amount of projects, it can be difficult to get an overview on mapping activity. This is…