Category: Land use
The potential of OSM for landuse, health and humanitarian applications
Recently, Michael Schulz from GIScience Heidelberg gave a talk at the colloquium of Prof. Carl Baierkuhnlein at the University of Bayreuth. During his talk he presented the results on OpenStreetMap usage targeting humanitarian applications, healthy and green routing based on openrouteservice and ecological analysis or the global climate protection map. OSM is harnessed for an abundance…
EuroGEOSS Workshop: Crowdsourcing Land Use Map Validation
At the recent EuroGEOSS Workshop in Geneva, LandSense researchers from IIASA and Heidelberg University hosted an interactive mapping session to showcase the power of crowdsourcing for map validations as announced earlier. Using the openly available Land Cover Validation Platform (LACO-Wiki), participants collaboratively validated a land use and land cover map of Geneva, which brings together data…
Mapping cultural ecosystem services 2.0 – using machine learning annotated photos to learn how humans perceive landscapes and ecosystems
Ecosystems provide many different services to mankind. Services provided depend on how the land is used – land use decisions lead to trade-offs that with respect to the ecosystem service provided by ecosystems and landscapes. This trade-offs vary in many situations in space and time. Therefore, it is essential to quantify and map service provisioning…