Category: Publications
Towards interoperability between data from technical sensors and human sensors (VGI)
The increasing availability of sensor devices has resulted in large volumes of sensor data, which has raised the issue of making these data fully discoverable and interpretable by applications and end-users. The idea of OGC Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) has addressed this issue by proposing a set of standards to enable accessibility of sensor data…
Draft Programme for conference “Web 2.0 und Social Media in Katastrophenschutz und Hochwassermanagement”
A first draft list of talks and presentations for the conference “Web 2.0 und Social Media in Katastrophenschutz und Hochwassermanagement” (17.10.2013, Heidelberg, Studio Villa Bosch) is available. In addition there will be several short presentations during the workshop-part of the event. This is a draft programme subject to change: some titles are still working titles.…
Alexander Zipf invited to Editoral Board of “Future Internet”
“Future Internet” (ISSN 1999-5903), a scholarly open access journal on Internet technologies and the information society, is published by MDPI online quarterly. Editor-in-Chief is Dr. Andrew Hudson-Smith, Director and Reader in Digital Urban Systems, Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, University College London. Future Internet increasingly publishes research about the relationship on Geographic Information and Web…
“Bending Reality, Where Arc and Science Meet” is online
The digital version of the exhipition from the Dagstuhl seminar “Drawing Graphs and Maps with Curves” is online. It fields several cartographic as well as algorithmic contributions by members of our working group.
Celebrating 25 years of AGIT
The Geoinformatics Symposium AGIT celebrates it’s 25th birthday. Congratulations! We do celebrate with the colleagues in Salzburg being part of the the AGIT community for 18 years now. Also this year we participate actively with several paper contributions both at AGIT and GI-Forum, e.g. Mapping the Crowd, iOSMAnalyzer, Citizen Science for Biodiversity data, Analysing Crimes…
Most Downloaded Article of Journal Computers, Environment and Urban Systems (CEUS)
Our article Boosting the predictive accuracy of urban hedonic house price models through airborne laser scanning by Helbich, Jochem, Mücke and Höfle has reached the top position of the most downloaded papers from the journal Computers, Environment and Urban Systems (CEUS).
New Press Release: On the Sunny Side
The next issue of the German magazine Business Geomatics will present our research project HedALS in a short press article. The article highlights the results of our research on integrating 3D-GIS based variables derived from LiDAR point clouds into hedonic house price modeling. – Read the article in Business Geomatics 4/2013: p. 19 [in German]…
“Transaction in GIS” 2012 Impact Factor increased to 0.906
The latest Thomson Reuters ISI Journal Citation Report has just been released and the ISI Impact Factor (IF) for the international journal “Transaction in GIS” has increased considerably to 0.906 for 2012 (from 0.54 in 2011). Great news!
Linux Magazine mentions our new OSM study
A report in the German language Linux Magazine about our latest OSM study (Open Access).
New analysis about OpenStreetMap data
Two new Journal papers on OSM just have been published. One deals with a “Comparison of Volunteered Geographic Information Data Contributions and Community Development for Selected World Regions” (Open Access) and one is about OSM Data imports in the US. Pascal gives some additional and up2date information here. Enjoy Reading!
Among the most downloaded articles from CEUS journal…
Our article on “Boosting the predictive accuracy of urban hedonic house price models through airborne laser scanning” by Helbich, Jochem, Mücke and Höfle is among the most downloaded articles from the journal “Computers, Environment and Urban Systems” (CEUS) (place 4 within last 90 days). Enjoy Reading!
Elucidating Environmental History with 100 Million Laser Beams
The Heidelberg University has published a press release about our work on laser scanning and subsurface geodata fused for 3D reconstruction of karst depressions on Crete.