Category: Events

  • ISPRS Innsbruck Summer School of Alpine Research 2017 – Close Range Sensing Techniques in Alpine Terrain

    Do you want to learn a lot about geodata acquisition and sensing, in a beautiful and challenging high mountain environment, enjoy the evenings with colleagues and professors above 2000m altitude? If yes, here you can find the answer: Join our summer school in 2017 (16-22 July)! (Flyer) This summer school is designed for any…

  • Call-for-Papers: 37. Wissenschaftlich-Technische Jahrestagung der DGPF

    The Call-for-Papers is available for the Annual Meeting 2017 of the German Society for Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation (DGPF) in Würzburg-Schweinfurt, 8-10 March 2017. Featured topic of the conference is Cultural Heritage. Deadline of submission is 31 October 2016!

  • CAP4ACCESS team active on the Freiwilligentag 2016 in Heidelberg

    On the occasion of the Freiwilligentag 2016 (September 17th), organised by the MRN GmbH to realize charitable projects based on volunteer engagement, the CAP4Access team from GIScience group of Heidelberg university contributed by leading a Wheelmap mapping event at Heidelberg. is a map for finding wheelchair accessible places and it is run by one…

  • Report on the 7th PCC meeting and 2nd Expert Workshop for CAP4Access project

    The 7th PCC meeting for CAP4Access project took place on September 8th in Bonn. The meeting was focused on presentations and discussions regarding the works that have been progressed since the last meeting and more importantly, clarifying and planning on what remains to be done for the final deliverables by end of the year. From GIScience…

  • GeoNet.MRN participates in conference „Deutschland intelligent vernetzt“, Oct. 12th, Ludwigshafen

    GeoNet.MRN beteiligt sich an der Konferenz „Deutschland intelligent vernetzt“ am 12. Oktober im Pfalzbau, Ludwigshafen. Das regionale Geoinformations-Netzwerk ist in die Vorbereitung und Durchführung der Session „Digitalisierung in der Wirtschaft“ und „Daten als gemeinsame Ressource“ eingebunden. In der Session „Digitalisierung in der Wirtschaft“ stellen wir das Konzept des „Atlas der digitalen Region Rhein-Neckar“ vor. In…

  • 3D-TAIGER Summer School 2016 in Heidelberg

    From 5-7 September 2016 the GIScience Heidelberg Group hosted a summer school within the collaboration and exchange project 3D-TAIGER (’Multi-Source 3D Geoinformation Extraction for Improved Management of Forest and Natural Hazards – Collaboration between TAIwan and GERmany’). The summer school is a follow-up of the kickoff meeting in Tainan in April this year. The first…

  • Talk on Navigation by J. Schönig, Tuesday Sept. 13 @GiscienceHeidelberg

    we invite anybody to the following presentation at the GIScience Research Group given by  Prof. Johannes Schönig (Hasselt University) When: Tuesday 13.09.2016, 10:00am Where: Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University Im Neuenheimer Feld 348, Lecture Hall about: “The Shortest Path is Dead – Novel Ways to Get from A to B” Navigation systems typically assists drivers…

  • FOSS4G Bonn

    Last week, the worldwide FOSS4G (Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial) conference took place in Bonn. The GIScience department was represented by Jakob Miksch. He presented a poster and gave a presentation with the topic “Routing through Open Spaces”. Before and after the conference a code sprint took place. More than 100 developer from…

  • Workshop on Multi-Source 3D Geoinformation Extraction for Improved Management of Forest and Natural Hazards (5 Sep 2016, 9-17h)

    Time: Monday, 5 September 2016, 09:00 – 17:00h Venue: Seminar Room 5.104, Im Neuenheimer Feld 205, Mathematikon No fees: Attendance of the scientific program is without costs. Objective and Scope The main objective of this public workshop is to bring together experts from Geosciences and 3D Earth observation / Geomatics, from academia and industry, as…

  • MapSwipe App for humanitarian mapping featured in Product Hunt today

    today MapSwipe is featured in “Product Hunt”, a kind of reddit for products. Learn more about the smartphone App that helps you to put a family on the map. It is so simple even children can use it but helps humanitarian organisations like the Red Cross and Doctors without Borders to better plan and…

  • Tomorrow Semester closing Mapathon and talk by Kerstin Meyer on the use of OSM data in Togo

    Dear Mapping-Enthusiasts, before the start of the semester break, we would like to take the chance to round the semester up with a “SPECIAL” Mapping event at Heidelberg University Many of you have supported the Mapping for Togo during our last Mapathon or/ and the GIS tutorial. This data was collected for the use by…

  • Report from last OSM Mapathon for Sokodé, Togo at Heidelberg

    Below you find a short report by the students that were organizing the last months OpenStreetMap Mapathon for Sokodé in Togo at the Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University: Mapping Event: Sokodé Am 08. Juni 2016 war es wieder soweit! Im Rahmen des „Citizens as Sensors“ Seminar in Kooperation mit Missing Maps und den lokalen Behörden…