Category: Events
Successful Wheelmap event with volunteers of SAP at Heidelberg
On Thursday 27 October 2016 the CAP4Access team from GIScience group of Heidelberg university organised a Wheelmap mapping event for SAP volunteers in the course of the “SAP month of service“. Volunteers of SAP already supported us in merging volunteered accessibility data (from and expert accessibility data (from Heidelberg Hürdenlos) last year. This time…
Invitation: Colloquium talk by Dr. Michael Bauder about the dialectic of space in Ambient Geospatial Information
We cordially invite all interested to our forthcoming talk next Monday about data shared online which provide geographic information. Dr. Michael Bauder from the Institute for Environmental Social Sciences and Geography, University of Freiburg, will report about the relation between material space and virtual space represented by so-called Ambient Geospatial Information from social media platforms. He…
GIScience at CartONG GeOnG Conference 2016
The last couple of days the pictuesque city of Chambery became a gathering place for humanitarian actors, researchers and organizations. CartONG organized their biannual GeOnG conference in their headquarter city. This years conference was at the same time the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the NGO. CartONG is a French non-governmental organization that fosters the…
Welcoming our Master Students – come and find out
We would like to cordially invite all Master Geography students starting this semester and all interested people to our public Master Welcome Event today. You will have the opportunity to get insights into the GIScience Group Heidelberg and see four very cool short talks about most recent research topics! See you there: Wed, 19 October…
Invitation: Colloquium talk by Dr Jochen Wendel about open data infrastructures for smart cities
We cordially invite all interested to our forthcoming talk next Monday about the cross-cutting theme of smart city research. Dr Jochen Wendel from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology will report about an open data infrastructure that allows data storage, data exchange, data analysis, as well as data visualization across projects and domains. He illustrates approaches…
Colloquium of Heidelberg Center for the Environment (HCE) starts with GIScience
The interdisciplinary colloquium series of the Heidelberg Center for the Environment (HCE) starts with GIScience by a talk of Bernhard Höfle about “3D Geodata in Environmental Research” on 24 October 2016 and was now announced via press release. Furthermore, Alexander Zipf will give a talk about “Crowdsourcing of Geodata for Humanitarian Aid” on 14 November…
Maptember in Brussels – GIScience Research Group at the HOT summit, SOTM 2016 and Missing Maps Meeting
Brussels became the global center for OpenStreetMap enthusiasts, humanitarians and researchers during the last week. The 2nd HOT Summit was held on the 22nd September and was complemented by a Missing Maps Mapathon in the evening. From 23rd – 25th September the State of the Map conference opened their doors for the global OpenStreetMap community.…
Wheelmap event led by CAP4ACCESS team is part of a short documentary movie
Our efforts related to the mapping of wheelchair accessible places at the Freiwilligentag 2016 in Heidelberg are now part of a short documentary movie made by the FreiwilligenAgentur Heidelberg. The movie focuses on 6 projects promoting social inclusion of disabled people and can be watched on YouTube.
LandSense Kick-Off Meeting – EU Citizen Science Observatory on Landuse
this week sees the Kick-Off Meeting of a new EU Horizon 2020 project called LandSense at International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IASA) Laxemburg Austria. The overall aim of the LandSense project is to build an innovative citizen observatory in the field of LandUse LandCover (LULC), which collects data both actively (through citizens) and passively…
Talk on Mapping the Crowd at Spatial Cognition Colloquium by A. Zipf and PhD of Ahmed Loai Ali
today Dr. Ahmed Loai Ali successfully defended his Phd on “Enhancing Data Classification Quality of Volunteered Geographic Information” at Bremen Spatial Cognition Center with Prof. Freksa (Bremen) as first and Prof. Zipf (Heidelberg) as second reviewer. We congratulate Ahmed to his good results! The groups collaborated also earlier (see ref. below) and Ahmed Loai Ali…