Category: Events
Alexander von Humboldt PostDoc Fellowship for A. Yair Grinberger for Big Spatial Data Research in Heidelberg
Asher Yair Grinberger (Jerusalem) has been awarded a prestigious Alexander von Humboldt PostDoc Fellowship. He will join the GIScience Research Group Heidelberg later this summer to work for two years on developing theory & methods related to Big Spatial Data. We are looking forward working with him in Heidelberg. But you have the chance to…
GIScience at FOSSGIS conference
Last week, the German FOSSGIS conference about Free and Open Source GIS software was held in Passau. GIScience was also there with a small delegation, presenting some of our current research topics, from routing, to data analysis and machine learning. The talks (in German language) are already available on youtube, for example: Routenplanung durch Flächen…
GIScience in practice during the KinderUni Heidelberg
On Saturday, 18.03.2017, the Neuenheimer Feld of the University Heidelberg was the area of interest for children participating in the GIScience KinderUni workshop at the Institute of Geography “MapSwipe und uMap – Mach‘ mit beim Mappen an PC, Tablet und Smartphone”. After an introduction about Geography and Geodata in general, they could do some mapping…
Towards evaluating the mobile crowdsourcing of geographic information about human settlements
Geographic information crowdsourcing is an increasingly popular approach to derive geographic data about human settlements from remotely sensed imagery. However, crowdsourcing approaches are frequently associated with uncertainty about the quality of the information produced. Although previous studies have found acceptable quality of crowdsourced information in some application domains, there is still lack of research about…
HeiGIT at FOSSGIS: today several presentations on OSM technology
in case you are this week not at CeBIT in the north of Germany, but rather at FOSSGIS in the south, you have the chance meet us also there and listen to several presentations on OSM work at HeiGIT and GIScience HD by our team member Martin Raifer. The main talk will be on OSM-History-Analysis…
Missing Maps talk at Impact Hub Bergen
How can we combine technology and digitalisation with doing good? That is the main focus for the 2017 Impact Night series organized by and at the Impact Hub Bergen. Last evenings Impact Night was about Tech for Change and disaster response. Therefore the Impact Hub team invited Per Aarvik, President of the StandbyTaskForce, Sam Applebee,…
VGI-Analytics Deadline Extended: CfP for short workshop papers (March 28) and full Journal Papers for GSIS Special Issue (June 9)
VGI-Analytics offers two formats for paper submission: Workshop Short Paper (2000 to 3000-word manuscript) New Submission Deadline 28th March 2017. Authors are requested to follow the formatting guidelines for short paper submissions on the AGILE 2017 call for papers page and use the Word .doc template or the Word .docx template provided. Short papers should be…
DGPF Annual Meeting 2017 – Visual impressions
Three talks from GIScience Heidelberg were given at the Annual Meeting 2017 of the DGPF (German Society for Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation) on 9 March 2017. Thanks a lot to Benni, Tomás and Sebastian for the very nice talks. More technical infos on the presented research can be found in the previous blog post…