Category: Events
Workshop zu “3D-Geländemethoden in den Geowissenschaften” (15.-16.3.2018 in Heidelberg)
Die 3D-Initiative in den Geowissenschaften organisiert einen Workshop zu “3D-Geländemethoden in den Geowissenschaften” (14-16. März in Heidelberg) mit speziellem Fokus auf Workflows. Der Workshop wird von der Geoinformatik Heidelberg mitorganisiert. Willkommen sind alle Interessierten an 3D und Geo: ForscherInnen, Studis, PraktikerInnen, usw.. Eine kostenfreie Anmeldung ist aus organisatorischen Gründen zwingend nötig. Weitere Infos finden Sie…
Abstract submission to EGU 2018 – 3D Point Clouds in Geosciences: Capturing, Analysis and Visualization (Deadline 10 Jan 2018)
Short abstract submission for the EGU General Assembly in Vienna 8–13 April 2018 is still open until 10 January 2018 (13:00 CET). We organize a session with special focus on 3D Point Clouds in Geosciences: Capturing, Analysis and Visualization. We would be very happy to receive your research and promote it in this special EGU…
Merry Christmas by GIScience Heidelberg
The GIScience Research Group with the 3D Geospatial Data Processing Group and the team at HeiGIT (Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology) at Heidelberg University do wish a peaceful Christmas time and all the best for a successful and prosperous new year 2018 to all of you!
First State of the Map Tanzania was successful
The first State of Map Conference in Tanzania was organised by the tanzanian OSM community and the Ramani Huria Team based in Dar es Salaam from 8-10th December. The GIScience Research Group contributed to the program by introducing MapSwipe and organizing an workshop on OpenStreetMap and the use of QGIS. (Photo: @InnocentMaholi) The conference brought…
HeiGIT and Disastermappers @ first State of the Map Tanzania
From this friday on the first state of the map conference in Tanzania will be held in Dar es Salaam. The members of our GIScience Research Group Heidelberg and the disastermappers heidelberg Marcel Reinmuth and Benjamin Herfort are participating and will organize a workshop on creating maps from OpenStreetMap data. The state of the map…
Invited GIScience Heidelberg OSM Services Demo Keynote at GEOINFO 2017
This week sees the 18th GEOINFO conference taking part in Salvador. It is the annual conference for exploring ongoing research, development and innovative applications on geographic information science in Brazil. Alexander Zipf is among the keynote speakers. In the special demo session he will highlight some of the OSM related web services for data quality assessment and…
Graduate Celebration 2017
We are very proud of our graduates 2016/2017 of Bachelor and Master of Science in Geography, and also School Education (Lehramt). On 1 December 2017, we celebrated together in the venue of the Neue Aula of the Heidelberg University. Prof. Hans Gebhardt gave an impressive talk about the essence of long student field trips (Große…
Deadline extended to Dec. 10th: ISCRAM GIS Track – Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management
Final CALL FOR PAPERS: ISCRAM has extended the Deadline to December 10 15th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM 2018) May 20-23, 2018, Rochester, NY, USA Track: Geospatial Technologies and Geographic Information Science for Crisis Management (GIS) Deadline for paper submissions: December 10, 2017 Track Description With disasters…
GIR’17 Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval at HD University
This week the 11th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval (GIR’17) will be held at Mathematikon, Heidelberg University, Germany. This workshop will address all aspects of Geographic Information Retrieval – such as the provision of methods to identify geographic scope, retrieve and relevance rank documents or other resources from both unstructured and partially structured collections on…
Today OpenRouteService at 7th GeoIT WhereCamp Conference Berlin
Today we present the latest version and details on the technical API of OpenRouteService at the 7th GeoIT WhereCamp Conference Berlin. Tim from the Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT) will talk about Consuming Open Data for Highly Customizable Route Planning He will show some examples of the very rich feature set and API of OpenRouteService…