Category: Events
Dokumentation zur diesjährigen Fachtagung Katastrophenvorsorge ist online
Die Fachtagung Katastrophenvorsorge wird jedes Jahr vom Deutschen Roten Kreuz organisiert, mit dem Ziel eine Dialogplattform für verschiedene Akteuren der nationalen und internationalen Katastrophenvorsorge zu schaffen. In Kooperation mit dem Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe (BBK) und dem Zentrum für satellitengestützte Kriseninformation (ZKI), haben wir vom HeiGIT den Workshop „Geodaten in der Katastrophenvorsorge“ durchgeführt. Anhand…
Complex Networks 2018 Conference: Dimension as an Invariant of Street Networks
F-B Mocnik participates in the Complex Networks 2018 conference, presenting work about the impact of space on network representations. Street networks have been examined in respect to their structure. F-B Mocnik has previously examined networks from various domains, thereby demonstrating that the polynomial volume law applies to many of them. The presentation at the conference…
Today! ChristMAP Workshop: Create unique presents using OSM and Satellite Imagery by disastermappers heidelberg
Christmas is just around the corner and the disastermappers heidelberg are organizing another workshop on the use of OpenStreetMap data. As last year they will present different ways to craft personal Christmas gifts based on OpenStreetMap features. Additionally they will also show how to use open satellite imagery archives captured by Sentinel and Landsat mission. Together…
HOT Summit 2019 is coming to Heidelberg
We are happy to hereby share latest information about the 5th HOT Summit- the annual gathering of the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team community- which after great events in Washington, Brussels, Ottawa and Dar es Salaam, will next year come to the picturesque city of Heidelberg, September 19th and 20th. HOT Summit 2019 as well as the…
GIScience at Fachaustausch Geoinformation 2018
The 10th “Fachaustausch Geoinformation“, a networking event for professionals in the geodata and geoinformation domain organised yearly by GeoNet.MRN, took place in Heidelberg’s Print Media Academy on November 29th. GIScience research group at Heidelberg University and HeiGIT (Heidelberg Center for Geographic Information Technology) presented current research and projects at the event’s exhibition, including the latest…
Kick-Off Waterproofing Data project in São Paulo, Brazil
This month we kicked off our new project Waterproofing Data in São Paulo, Brazil together with partners from Warwick University and Brazilian stakeholders such as Cemaden (National Early Warning and Monitoring Centre for Natural Disasters / Centro Nacional de Monitoramento e Alertas de Desastres Naturais) or local Universities, City of São Paulo, Fundacao Getulio Varga etc. We…
Deadline extended to 08.12.2018 for Full Papers for the International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM), Valencia
ISCRAM is a forum where researchers and practitioners from all around the world meet to share experiences and raise challenges in all the aspects related to the design, development, and use of information systems to improve the management of crisis and disaster situations. The 16th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management…
Innsbruck Summer School of Alpine Research 2019 – Registration possible until 30 November 2018
The deadline for registration for our Innsbruck Summer School of Alpine Research 2019 is approaching (deadline: 30 November 2018). If you are PhD or Master student and you want to learn most recent close-range sensing technology from leading experts in an amazing environment and venue, the Ötztal Alps in Austria, you should definitely consider to…
GIScience at 12. Vermessungsingenieurtag, 5. Geodätentag at Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart
Melanie Eckle (HeiGIT/Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team) was invited to join the 12. Vermessungsingenieurtag, 5. Geodätentag of HFT Stuttgart tomorrow, this year´s topic being “Open Source, Open Data and Open Standards”. In this vein, she will provide an overview on the use of open geo data in the humanitarian context and the related work of the Humanitarian…
2nd CALL FOR PAPERS: GIS track of ISCRAM 2019, 16th. International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, Valencia Spain
ISCRAM is a forum where researchers and practitioners from all around the world meet every year to share experiences and raise challenges in all the aspects related to the design, development, and use of information systems to improve the management of crisis and disaster situations. The 16th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and…
GeOnG Conference 2018: Workshop Materials and Slides
After the successful GeOnG conference 2018 in chambery we want to thank the organizers and all participants. We contributed in several ways, as already highlighed in our previous blogpost. Now, we also want to share our slides and workshop material with everyone interested. Round table discussion: Machine Learning, AI & satellite imagery: what impact on…
Reisen für die Wissenschaft: Expeditionen, Exkursionen und Explorationen – HGG programme WS1819
Das Wintersemester hat begonnen und damit auch die Vortragsreihe der Heidelberg Geographischen Gesellschaft HGG. Wir möchten Sie herzlich einladen an den Vorträgen der HGG teilzunehmen. Das Rahmenthema dieses Semester lautet: Reisen für die Wissenschaft Expeditionen, Exkursionen und Explorationen Die Vorträge dieses Semester: ”And Germany pays you for asking us these questions?” Humangeograhische Reflexionen über das…