Author: Sven Lautenbach
Blindspots in ecosystem service research
Ecosystem service research is high on the policy agenda. Strategies to synthesize individual success stories and derive generalized results to provide guidance for policymakers and stakeholder is central to many science-policy initiatives, such as IPBES, ELD, WAVES and TEEB. However, to successfully transfer knowledge from ES case studies to environmental policies, it is necessary to…
Linking GIScience and spatial epidemiology at the 10th Summer School for Spatial epidemiology, social media, and urban health
HeiGIT/GIScience member Sven Lautenbach acted both as part of the boards of directors and as an instructor at the 10th Summer School for Spatial epidemiology, social media, and urban health that took place at the Humboldt University in Bielefeld. This year’s summer school aimed at the use of social media to capture spatial patterns in…
HeiGIT at Sustainable Development in Action
HeiGIT ran a workshop on geodata for sustainable development at the Sustainable Development in Action conference organized by the Heidelberg Center for Environment and Momentum Novum at Heidelberg University. Our workshop provided an overview about the importance of geodata to tackle the sustainable development goals (SDG) of the United Nations, highlighted the importance of bridging…
Mit offenen Daten Grünflächen in Städten neu entdecken – Projekt „meinGrün“ startet
Im Projekt „meinGrün“ entwickeln Partner aus Wissenschaft, kommunaler Praxis und Wirtschaft unter Leitung des Leibniz-Instituts für ökologische Raumentwicklung (IÖR) die Grundlagen für neuartige, interaktive Informationsangebote. Ziel ist es, Grünflächen in Städten genauer zu beschreiben und zu zeigen, wie man sie gut erreichen kann. Nutzer der Grünflächen können diese bewerten und Stadtverwaltungen erhalten Hinweise auf Verbesserungspotenzial.…
Mapping cultural ecosystem services 2.0 – using machine learning annotated photos to learn how humans perceive landscapes and ecosystems
Ecosystems provide many different services to mankind. Services provided depend on how the land is used – land use decisions lead to trade-offs that with respect to the ecosystem service provided by ecosystems and landscapes. This trade-offs vary in many situations in space and time. Therefore, it is essential to quantify and map service provisioning…
Use of multi-objective optimization to assess trade-offs of urban expansion in Switzerland
One of the many unwanted side effects of urban growth is the loss of fertile soils since most citizens and villages have been founded in close proximity to fertile soils. Preserving high-quality soils however can conflict with the objective of developing compact urban patterns. A team from researches at the GIScience group, the ETH Zürich…