Author: GIScience HD
A fresh new ORS maps client
We are happy to announce that the new openrouteservice maps client has been finished and released. It is an open source route planner with plenty of features for car, heavy vehicles, hiking, cycling and wheelchair, designed to be mobile friendly and offers several advanced features and filters, as well as support for export and import files.…
New paper published about the OSM Sketch Map Tool
The Sketch Map Tool supports participatory mapping approaches and risk communication. An new paper presents the different functionalities of the tool. OSM data quality can be evaluated regarding the fitness for the sketch-map-approach. Based on the great idea of Field Papers, paper maps can be printed out for the use in the field, and afterwards,…
Tagging the main entrances of public buildings based on OpenStreetMap and binary imbalanced learning
Determining the location of a building’s entrance is crucial to location-based services, such as wayfinding for pedestrians. Unfortunately, entrance information is often missing from current mainstream map providers. Frequently, automatic approaches for detecting building entrances are based on street-level images that are not widely available. To address this issue, in a recently published paper in…
Wanna give feedback about HeiGIT services? Survey Deadline extended to 05.03.
HeiGIT wants to serve you better. Therefore we are conducting user feedback surveys regarding our various services. The Deadline has been extended to March 05rd! Take your chance! If you have ever used one of our OpenStreetMap based Online Services (or will do so now) for whatever purpose, we’d be very happy if you took…
An ohsome Railway Network Visualization and Analysis
Welcome back to another #ohsome blog post written by our awesome student assistent Sarah! This time we will look at the completeness of railway network data of one specific city in OpenStreetMap, as well as its development. For this we looked at the city of Prague and its completeness of the operator tag. Furthermore, you’ll…
ISCRAM GIS Track: Deadline extended for WiP and Practitioner papers: February 21, 2021
ATTENTION!! One week deadline extension. Are you working on GIS for disaster management? Hurry up! You have until Feb, 21 to submit your WIP or Practitioner paper to GIS Track. Extended Submission deadline for WiP and Practitioner papers: February 21, 2021 – updated Track: Geospatial Technologies and Geographic Information Science for Crisis Management (GIS)…
HeiGIT Services User Feedback Survey – only one more week!
HeiGIT wants to serve you even better. Therefore we are conducting user feedback surveys regarding our various services. If you have ever used one of our OpenStreetMap based Online Services (or will do so now) for whatever purpose, we’d be very happy if you took the time and filled out the respective survey. THANK YOU!…
Hells Bells – interactive 3D view of underwater speleothems
In collaboration with the Institute of Earth Sciences at Heidelberg University, the 3DGeo group reconstructed underwater speleothems in a cave in Yucatán, Mexico. The so-called “Hells Bells” are fascinating formations in several sinkholes, at the boundary layer between fresh- and saltwater. The full 3D mesh model obtained from several thousand photographs taken by a professional…
Introducing the Ohsome Quality analysT (OQT)
The Ohsome Quality analysT (short OQT) is the name of a new software implemented by HeiGIT that is based on the #ohsome framework. Its main purpose is to compute quality estimations on OpenStreetMap (OSM) data. Any end user such as humanitarian organisations, public administrations, as well as researchers or any other institution or party interested…
German radio report on OpenStreetMap in WDR5 Quarks – Wissenschaft und mehr
The German radio station WDR 5 broadcasted a short report about OpenStreetMap with a focus on basics and navigation in the science programme “Quarks – Wissenschaft und mehr” last month on 19.01.2021. One of the German pioneers of OpenStreetMap – Frederik Ramm – explains some background on how the OpenStreetMap community works. Also Alexander Zipf…
Vortrag zu Humanitärem Mapping in OpenStreetMap bei Begabtenförderung des Heidelberger Life‐Science Lab
Das Heidelberger Life‐Science Lab ist eine Einrichtung des Deutschen Krebsforschungszentrums (DKFZ, Heidelberg) und hat die Förderung mathematisch und naturwissenschaftlich-technisch besonders interessierter und begabter Mittel- und Oberstufenschüler und Studenten zur Aufgabe. Der Schwerpunkt ist auf die Life-Sciences gerichtet, die den Standort Heidelberg in besonderem Maße prägen. Aber es werden auch weitergehende MINT Themen beleuchtet: Letzten Freitag…