Author: GIScience HD

  • New ORS Jupyter example about Fleet Scheduling for Disaster Response with ORS and VROOM

    Routing optimization in a humanitarian context Routing optimization generally solves the Vehicle Routing Problem (a simple example being the more widely known Traveling Salesman Problem). A more complex example would be the distribution of goods by a fleet of multiple vehicles to dozens of locations, where each vehicle has certain time windows in which it can operate…

  • Exponat aus Heidelberg bietet Training für KI-Algorithmen auf der MS Wissenschaft

    Mitmach-Exponate geben auf der MS Wissenschaft in Heidelberg vom 28. August bis 1. September Einblicke in die Entwicklung und Anwendung Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI). Mit auf dem zu einer schwimmenden Ausstellung umgebauten ehemalige Kohlefrachter ist auch ein Exponat des Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT) an der Universität Heidelberg, gefördert von der Klaus Tschira Stiftung. Das…

  • Waterproofing Data: Pilot Study in Brazil

    A pilot study for the Waterproofing Data project took place in Brazil (Rio Branco and São Paulo) last month. Carolin Klonner from the GIScience team and researchers from the UK and Brazil focused on testing the developed methods in the specific setting of the study areas and on exploring the flood mitigation measures taken by…

  • meinGrün @roadto_festival: What OSM tells us about urban green space features

    Where is the next shaded bench to escape the burning heat? Where can I play soccer within the city and later on have a barbecue with my friends? All of these questions require information about features of urban green spaces. Although it is easy to find the right place within your own neighbourhood, it is…

  • GeoCultGIS Workshop at the AGILE 2019 Conference in Limassol

    Members of the GIScience research group, Dr. Tessio Novack, Dr. Michael Schultz, Dr. Yair Grinberger, Prof. Dr. Alexander Zipf, along with Dr. Peter Mooney of Maynooth University, Ireland, organized a pre-conference workshop as part of the AGILE 2019 conference in Limassol. The workshop titled “Geographical and Cultural Aspects of Geoinformation: Issues and Solutions (geoCultGIS)” aimed at…

  • Farm Shops are ohsome

    Welcome back to another ohsome blog post. Today, we will present the results of a recent analysis performed by our student assistant Jascha, who took a look at the distribution and development of farm shops (in German: Hofläden) at different scales in OpenStreetMap (OSM). This analysis is based on previous work within the global climate protection…

  • Program of Academic Track for State of the Map 2019 Heidelberg is online

    Also the program of the “Academic Track” for ‘State of the Map‘ (SotM) as been released now. Early bird ticket prices are still available until 7th of July. See the website for all the details: Two contributions are by members of the GIScience Research Group Heidelberg: Analyzing the spatio-temporal patterns and impacts of large-scale data…

  • AGEO Award 2019 at AGIT in Salzburg: Third place for Lukas Winiwarter

    3DGeo group member Lukas Winiwarter was awarded the third place of this year’s AGEO award at the AGIT2019 in Salzburg for his diploma thesis on “Classification of 3D Point Clouds using Deep Neural Networks”. It was carried out at TU Wien under the supervision of Dr. Gottfried Mandlburger and Prof. Dr. Norbert Pfeifer, and has…

  • Open Positions GIS at German Red Cross – Cooperation with HeiGIT

    Das Rote Kreuz Generalsekretariat Berlin schreibt aktuell zwei interessante Vollzeitstellen aus (Standort Berlin). Eine davon – als Fachreferent Geoinformatik – ist direkt auf die konkrete Zusammenarbeit mit dem Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT gGmbH) an der Universität Heidelberg ausgerichtet. Wir arbeiten gemeinsam an Strategien und Lösungen zum besseren Einsatz von Geoinformationstechnologien für humanitäre Aktivitäten…

  • Do you need a shady route because it is too hot?

    IT IS HOT! So you are looking for a more shady pedestrian route through the urban jungle? You might then prefer some routes that go through public green spaces with trees and bushes. Thank goodness we are working already on such green and also shady routing together with some partners in the mFund project meinGrün.…

  • Program for State of the Map (SotM 2019) Heidelberg has been released

    The program for ‘State of the Map‘ (SotM) as been released, and early bird ticket prices are still available until 7th of July. See the website for all the details #OpenStreetMap talks, workshops & discussions as mappers across the world come to #Heidelberg, #Germany from 21st to 23rd of September. Also do not forget…

  • Estimating OpenStreetMap Missing Built-up Areas using Pre-trained Deep Neural Networks

    Recently a new paper about Estimating OpenStreetMap Missing Built-up Areas using Pre-trained Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) has been presented at the AGILE GIScience conference 2019 in Cyprus. Although built-up areas cover only a small proportion of the earth’s surface, these areas are closely tied to most of the world’s population and the economic output, which makes…