Disastermappers Workshop: Mobile Data Collection

Dear Students, Dear Colleagues,

it’s time for another disastermappers workshop. And since the weather is so nice, we will go outside and learn something about mobile data collection! 🙂

When? 27.06.2018, 4 pm – 7 pm
Where? Geographisches Institut, Berliner Straße 48

Data Collection in the field has always been important geographic information and today this is widely done using mobile devices. We want to get out and create our own surveys utilizing the Open Source tool KoBo. This tool is used by several humanitarian NGOs such as CartONG, Kathmandu Living Labs or the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) to collect local information on infrastructures such as shops, building types or water points.

However, in our workshop we don’t want to focus only on physical infrastructures, but also map more fuzzy things such as perception of places, the sound of the Neuenheimer Feld or your emotions in various parts of the campus. Together we want to learn how to design a survey using Kobo, collect data in the field and visualize it on web map.

Please bring a mobile device if available and install the KoBo Collect app in advance. 🙂 We will provide some refreshments as always.

See you next wednesday,
your disastermappers

you can find more information on our blog: https://disastermappers.wordpress.com/



