We are pleased to announce that a book edited by Dr. Jamal Jokar Arsanjani, Prof. Alexander Zipf, Dr. Peter Mooney, and Dr. Marco Helbich, entitled “OpenStreetMap in GIScience: Experiences, Research, and Applications” is already in-press. The edited book will be published by Springer in its “Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography” series, edited by Cartwright, W., Gartner, G., Meng, L., Peterson, M.P.. For more detailed information about this series, we refer to the Springer webpage, accessible via the following link http://www.springer.com/series/7418.
Here is the content of the book.
Preface (Muki Haklay)
Chapter 1: An Introduction to OpenStreetMap in Geographic Information Science: Experiences, Research, and Applications (Jamal Jokar Arsanjani, Alexander Zipf, Peter Mooney, Marco Helbich)
Section 1: Data Management and Quality
Chapter 2: Assessment of logical consistency in OpenStreetMap based on the spatial similarity concept (Peyman Hashemi and Rahim Ali Abbaspour)
Chapter 3: Quality assessment of the contributed land use information from OpenStreetMap versus authoritative datasets (Jamal Jokar Arsanjani, Peter Mooney, Alexander Zipf, Anne Schauss)
Chapter 4: Improving volunteered geographic information quality using a tag recommender system: The case of OpenStreetMap (Arnaud Vandecasteele & Rodolphe Devillers)
Chapter 5: Inferring the Scale of OpenStreetMap Features (Guillaume Touya, Andreas Reimer)
Chapter 6: Data retrieval for small spatial regions in OpenStreetMap (Roland M. Olbricht)
Section 2: Social Context
Chapter 7: The Impact of Society on Volunteered Geographic Information: The case of OpenStreetMap (Afra Mashhadi, Giovanni Quattrone and Licia Capra)
Chapter 8: Social and political dimensions of the OpenStreetMap project: towards a critical geographical research agenda (Georg Glasze , Chris Perkins)
Chapter 9: Spatial Collaboration Networks of OpenStreetMap (Klaus Stein, Dominik Kremer, and Christoph Schlieder)
Section 3: Network modeling and routing
Chapter 10: Route choice analysis of urban cycling behaviors using OpenStreetMap: Evidence from a British urban environment (Godwin Yeboah, Seraphim Alvanides)
Chapter 11: The Next Generation of Navigational Services using OpenStreetMap data: the Integration of Augmented Reality and Graph Databases (Pouria Amirian, Anahid Basiri, Guillaume Gales, Adam Winstanley, John McDonald)
Chapter 12: Building a Multimodal Urban Network Model Using OpenStreetMap Data for the Analysis of Sustainable Accessibility (Jorge Gil)
Section 4: Land management and urban form
Chapter 13: Assessing OpenStreetMap as an Open Property Map (Mohsen Kalantari, Veha La)
Chapter 14: Investigating the Potential of OpenStreetMap for Land Use/Land Cover Production: A Case Study for Continental Portugal (Jacinto Estima and Marco Painho)
Chapter 15: Using Crowd-Sourced Data to Quantify the Complex Urban Fabric – OpenStreetMap and the Urban–Rural Index (Johannes Schlesinger)
Chapter 16: An outlook for OpenStreetMap (Peter Mooney)